Zarkoff's Posts

I would think a lawsuit would be a much bigger concern than criminal charges over the missing pool fence... Great John Houseman name. Time served. Back to living the good life in a big house. Any ideas on overcoming defeatist thinking? The actual study was a lot of rubbish. F - A - T positive Doctor lady spit out the other doctor's tongue? plot hole! Holding a shotgun pointing upwards towards her face? Touch Assist? Roger if you ever read these posts out of curiosity or whatever The cancel crowd tried to strike him down Well, I liked it. This movie is still pretty rad. Paul Kelman's accent was so thick. I'm surprised this movie wasn't more influential. Hard to find right now. No dividers between toilets? Susan - what a girlfriend! Did Pez really do the outlaw dirty? Just some insane, freaky 80s horror. Goes pretty hard from the start, though.