MovieChat Forums > Herman

Herman (10)


Tired of Gosling and Blunt Let’s be Honest for a Second View all posts >


Adam Driver no thanks. To be fair, she is a lot cuter than Florence Pugh. I 100% agree. A lot of fanboys adore this movie for some reason. Brad Pitt tries way too hard to look cool IMO. He played a similar character in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It’s as if Tarentino specifically directed him to try to look as cool as possible, but it gets on my nerve because it’s so phony. I’m getting tired of Hollywood pretending that Zendaya is attractive. Exactly. Critics hype her but she has no appeal whatsoever and I’m scratching my head trying to understand why they are trying so hard to make her happen. I find her repulsive. The only ones complimenting her and saying she is beautiful and a sex symbol are women. Hetero men like myself find her less than average. View all replies >