Grifterhunter's Replies

Then same goes to me. You aren't worth proving it to. Well you met me. I knew trump was trash years ago. Once you backup a claim I will. You are not getting special treatment. I did so... . Nope you are trash. I had heard about it long before this. Lol yeah nope. I see rules for thee but not for me. Conspiracies are on average bullshit the point stands. And you made claims you wouldn't backup. Why should I backup mine when you don't? Nope not what you said. You said too many have been proven to be true for you to just say that. This means on average they are true and not the exception. You were wrong. Anyone who asks someone to backup a claim is playing troll boi games. Translation you have nothing. So yeah I will continue not putting faith in conspiracy theories. Remember how you told me an exception to the rule died not disprove it? Well this applies to your bullshit conspiracy theories. On average they are nonsense. No I go off what I see from you. You say that but we all know you support rights of conservatives and no one else. No go back to what you said. You said too many conspiracies have been proven to be true. So I want a list of the average number of how often conspiracy theories are proven to be true. I have a feeling on average most are false. Your move. Lol no I do not. I think you support things only when it suits your narrative. Nope you don't get to use that to support your bullshit. So you believe the sandy hook shooting conspiracy then? I can easily state that too many conspiracies have turned out to be bullshit to be taken seriously. You lose. I don't believe that. You have shown to be ok with anything that demonizes democrats. I am not sure I believe that either. It sounds like you have a conspiracy brain. People like you claimed the election was stolen before you looked at anything. The second Trump said it boom you ran with it. I have no doubt you will use that type of logic elsewhere. And I have no doubt you would be fine with this if it was a Democrat. So you believe all the crimes are not felonies? I summarized your point. Your inability to realize that is on you. So now let's try again So Trump is innocent of all 34 crimes he was charged with? Your logic is basically well others got away with it so Trump should to. Lol no. IMDb has the most user votes available. Therefore that's a far better indicator of what the mass majority think of the film. Dominion has a 5.6 on IMDb. That isn't a good, that's actually pretty bad to say the least. Dial of Destiny has a 6.5 on IMDb. That's better but that isn't that great considering all the original three rank higher than it. Even the temple of doom the black sheep of the original 3. Dial of Destiny was also a box office bomb. Then you proceed to say critics gave Dial of Destiny a glowing review? Due tell in what world are you living in? It's got a 70% on rottentomatoes with an average score of 6.4. On metacritic it has a 58. That is lukewarm at best. Mad Max fury road had 90% on metacritic, a 97% on rottentomatoes with an average score of 8.6. That is a glowing review. Stark difference. I didn't scoff at the feedback. You created a narrative that didn't exist. Critics did not give glowing reviews to Dominion or Dial of Destiny. Dominion got completely trashed by critics and Dial of Destiny was lukewarm by critics. Fury Road beat them both in terms of reception by a landslide. So no your lie is noted and dismissed. You said that fact would remain that it's trash whether it flopped or not? No that's your opinion that it's trash nothing more. I attributed you thinking that box office equated to quality because of your gloating. Anyone who enjoyed garbage like Jurassic world isn't going to align with my taste in cinema. I personally prefer recasting older characters as opposed to bringing them back just for a cheap nostalgia trick. Or deaging technology because they are too old for the part. Jurassic world Dominion and dial of destiny pull this trick and one heard nothing but awful things for both films. Anyways keep enjoying your films and I will enjoy my mad max movies. So then all politicians should be exempt from the law because of this? No because you said you could determine the future. Your examples you brought up were poor examples. Let's stay on topic here. So going forward how is arresting Trump going to affect the future? So this brings up an interesting question. So a movie that is good can't do poorly at the box office? Quality is tied to how much money a movie makes? This isn't surprising coming from the guy who told me Jurassic World Dominion is a better film than Fury Road...Fury Road bests Dominion in every way imaginable except for money. Which is why you cling to that because it's all you have. Just for insight Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, Shawshank Redemption, It's a wonderful life, Children of Men, and The Iron Giant were all box office bombs. I could go on but the way you attempt to always attribute quality to box office success is ignorant and lame. You do you though. Yes which is why it's funny you don't want to talk about past racism or injustices. Oh wait you want to do that when you feel it suits your narrative. You mean the fight where he had her at gunpoint after restraining her and then took the war rig? That fight he lost? Nice deflection. Why is it anytime Trump is criticized Biden's name suddenly pops up? Biden is a garbage president and a corrupt piece of trash. That does not make Trump a worthy candidate or a good president. Your deflection is dismissed. Address my point or be on your way.