Batfleck's Replies

it does but needs a 4k release. movie still holds up ohhh of course its all part of the scheme and plot. even the ones trump himself appointed are in on it. this is called unhealthy paranoia i believe. yes i did - Mike Lindell claimed to ave irrefutable evidence including the voting machines themselves -trumps lady lawyer claimed she was going to release irrefutable proof -why did the cyber ninjas find nothing? -why did he not simply refile cases? you are saying theres not a single trump friendly court in all of america? -why hasnt trump given a single piece of evidence to the public. many of these judges were trump appointed. and they all werent dismissed on procedural grounds. maybe refile them so they dont get dismissed on procedural grounds? but its a nefarious plot against trump correct? these trump appointed judges are all in on it? You have also overlooked all my other points about supposed ground breaking evidence from Mike and the lawyer and the ninjas because it does not push your narrative You gave absolutely nothing. you are confusing the claim for the evidence. you provided nothing in terms of evidence of any sort of mass voter fraud that would have changed results in key states. you simply claimed there was. so i ask again. what did the ninjas find? where is Mike Lindells voting machines? wheres that female lawyer ready to release the kraken? and if trump lost every single court case simply on "procedural grounds' which is absolute nonsense. but lets say its true. why not simply refile? he has all this evidence right? i didnt "judge" anyone any more than me preferring ketchup over mustard means i "judged mustard" and was "prejudice against mustard" just like in my examples above which you ignored on purpose. i just prefer a short nerdy woman over tall non nerdy women. Are you going to force people to be with people they arent attracted to? Are you next going to say its prejudice and phobia if a man isnt attracted to a trans women? whataboutism. so i will take that as a no Do you have any proof of mass fraud? what did those ninjas find? was Mike Lindell not in possession of voting machines that proved it was stolen? i thought Trumps lawyer was going to release the Kraken and all the evidence? what happened to those 60 Trump court cases? You have has 3 years. what are you waiting for? Portable storage construction specialist = i folded boxes at a greenhouse folding boxes to put tomatoes in. Standing on concrete for a 7 hour shift doing the same thing over and over. your forearms killed afterwards. This was in 2006 and my first job, so there was no smart phones which would have made it moderately tolerable to listen to podcasts or youtube videos while working. Instead all i had was a cd player and the best of Simon and garfunkle. My mind was clearly more easily entertained back then before the internet. Apparently Lizzo is the hottest woman alive. facebook keeps telling me so Obama got 70 million in 2008 and the population has since gone up by 35 million.. trump got 74 million last election up 11 million from 2016. so if Hilary got 66 million in 2016 how is it impossible that Bidens vote went up similarly to Trumps, especially given how polarizing trump was and how much people hated him. the math checks out. its not prejudice for me to have uncontrollable preferences in the opposite sex. Am i prejudice towards tall people because i prefer a sort woman? Am i prejudice towards non nerdy women because i prefer them to have that interest in common with me? i just watched it afew days ago it was short but a great performance. his bat voice also was great imo. hid his real voice, didn't sound silly like bales in the first dark knight and actually sounded badass Usually saggy and deflated. The quick growth due to fat gain and milk production then deflation normally leads to them being deformed. So calling your audience bigots and racist doesnt make them want to see it? weird!! maybe for 50 year olds not 18 year olds i feel indiana Jones is best when he is going against nazis but i have not seen this film yet! I believe the issue was that he wanted to affect the timeline as little as possible. If adding a can of tomato sauce had that big of an effect then what would stopping the killer have done? If all he did instead was prove his fathers innocence, He would have to do this12 years after the without intervening in the timeline before the present, somehow find evidence that this other guy actually did it to exonerate his father. this sounds far more complicated and requiring far more interference.