MovieChat Forums > KLPE > Replies

KLPE's Replies

Are you serious? Why wait so long? <blockquote>Oher admitted to ESPN that he didn't like the film because of how it negatively affected his football career, attributing it to why he was "downgraded" so much.</blockquote> <blockquote>First and foremost, it wasn't just the Tuohy's who influenced Oher and who he credits for his success. It takes a village. In I Beat the Odds, Oher also credits his siblings, his case worker growing up, and the security that came from his foster homes. Not to mention the coaching that pushed and motivated Oher to excel in athletics. The Tuohys provided Oher with the stability, care, and academic support he needed to propel him into his successful career.</blockquote> Link? Yes, but a burning anus is too much. Liquor store clerk. Opposite. Nemesis 2: Nebula (1995) Nemesis 3: Time Lapse (1996) Nemesis 4: Death Angel (1996) <spoiler>Nemesis 5: The New Model (2017)</spoiler> It definitely was. Blue River (1995) Rather it seems to be about peoples values. Example 1 - <b>First Blood (1982)</b> <blockquote>According to an animal care representative who was on the Vancouver set, rats were squeezed and hurled against a wall, killed, and burned by an actor during filming and again between takes while the director and crew looked and laughed.</blockquote> Example 2 - <b>Nightmares (1983)</b> <blockquote>The snake, killed by the priest in the second episode, was actually a dead and partially frozen rattler. In episode four, the dead cat was a stuffed toy in make-up, and the giant rat was portrayed by a costumed midget.</blockquote> It's not Leslie Hope. Must be Seven Days (1998–2001) I thought of. Justina Vail looks a bit different though? This is a Canadian sci-fi series from the late 90's or early 00's. She's supposed to become some ultimate government assassin, they alter her prints and more. Unfortunately the title escapes me. Thought it was called <b>The 8th day</b> or something. <b>Seven Days (1998–2001)?</b> It's not Jennifer Jason Leigh. That's impressive, 150 horses. <blockquote>If you can't fake pretend to kill an animal, you ain't much of an artiste.</blockquote> That's very true. Interesting article. <blockquote>There was a push for a gritty realism in those days in filmmaking.</blockquote> What a joke.