Lolyeah's Replies

Colour had been around from the beginnings of cinema. It still is. You're wrong. No, you didn't. I questioned the same in 1990. Because it goes against the law. Omg, the wife wanted to frame him. Nobody knew Rusty and Carolyn had an affair, except for them and the wife. And her other lovers were single. The first conviction was in 1987 and it was fingerprinting DNA. Convictions asocciated with DNA weren't something common until early 1990s. Honestly, go get your eyes checked. Bullshit. You don't know what you're talking about. She's a great actress and very expressive. Maybe you should go check your eyes. She looked fantastic. He couldn't break the window close to the woman because the floor broke, duh. Pay attention. The amount of rapist apologists in the comments are astonishing. You're defending a rape? Wow. A rapist wasn't so horrible? Wow. You're defending rape. Wow, you're defending a rapist. Mad World is an original by Tears for Fears.