MovieChat Forums > MCguy > Replies

MCguy's Replies

are your posts some type of performance art or exercise? Based on that article in the movie, I surmise in the movie that Superman CREATED this indestructible costume, and the logo is his family crest. Burke did it, no doubt Chloe Not according to God, but to man. Thank for your thoughts. God's word, the Ten Commandments, clearly state other gods exist. Men made up the "rule" you claim. The commandant says: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." That doesn't exclude other gods; it allows them with a lower priority. "She would win if she openly ran alone." That would ensure a Trump victory. Where do you get those wonderful drugs? I am not sure that would have been a problem in 1960 Londo. I would prefer around 22, though. why would that document be allowed continued existence? Bing, Google, and Duck can't seem to find evidence of this. I found a video where Oprah tells him he said that, but nothing where he actually said it. Can you provide a link? I believe Michelle is not going to run and have wagered money to that effect. If she were to run in the primaries Biden would have to drop out first. If she were to run, a more likely scenario is a draft at the convention. She is by far the most popular Democrat. But I am betting it doesn't happen. And the world is flat, too. Shelly without a doubt. The second and third seasons were filmed in color. Are your posts some kind of performance art or writing exercise? Sounds like you explained why. Plus it doesn't sound interesting. sounds lost a lost script. Thanks again. Some people don't understand the difference between racism and prejudice. I am glad you do. I'll get you a trophy for asking others to do your work.