animal0mother's Replies

It's a fun folk-horror movie. Not mobile, but yeah. One wonders if there was any phone line on the island. Probably in the bar, or in a phone box. Wicker Man- it's tight, quick, not meandering. Not Pompous. Lucid. Like Airplane!'s density of jokes with how much it beats the viewer over the head with symbolism. Lacks the subplot that I had missed from Midsommar that I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when someone tells me the boyfriend deserved it. Midsommar seems like a film student or two watched the Wicker Man, decided to adapt it to their generation and life situation, superimposed subplots from conflicts within the couple and between the grad students, added vivid, vibrantly colorful style, and then acted as if they were on xanax bars, not responding as their friends go missing. I'd like to know a movie that is to Hereditary, what the Wicker Man is to Midsommar. It's not just does he contrast in belief, but intensity of how he practices his religion. Him being brought up where homogeneity to himself was assumed, his background in worship is comparatively weak, thus his prayers and curse can seem ineffectual as he's unpracticed. "No country is tied to any particular religion," Incorrect. Many countries are. England to Church of England, Germany to Lutheranism, Vatican City to Catholicism, Russia, Serbia, Greek, etc. to [that country] Orthodox, most Muslim countries apart from Iran to Sunni Islam, India to Hinduism, Tibet to Vajrayana Buddhism, Thailand, Sri Lanka to Theravada Buddhism, Japan to Shintoism, etc.. Few countries have explicit separation of church and state. China is explicitly tied to lack of religion, that itself carrying religious information not equal to 0, and tied to a state-sponsored revival of Confucianism. Edit: OP sounds like someone who's never been outside of the US, and assumes the whole world is like the US. None of your answers are satisfactory. England, thus Howie, is stifled to the point of impotence. Cops in the UK except for Northern Ireland quit carrying handguns on routine duty in 1936. They typically point to the overarching idea that they are servants of the people, not necessarily the state, and thus forgo firearms except in response. Interestingly though, Brits constantly compare themselves to the US. Any policy with a change hypothetically or literally proposed is met with, "but then we'll have an unacceptable situation/result like AMERICA," framing everything as a false dichotomy where any departure from the status quo apparently will inevitably result in the worst case scenario, which is, according to Brits, The US. Sergeant Howie is confronted by a foreign culture he doesn't recognize as foreign, a heathen one that's comparatively lively, unreserved, and more virile than his own. The mainland England represents a reserved "island dwarfism" of sexual prowess, compared to Summerisle, invigorated by agricultural reforms and leadership of Lord Summerisle et al., with its growing agrarian sector and thus carrying capacity. Islanders in this material plenty have shifted to a mode of island gigantism in their sexual prowess/fertility. Not only is Sergeant Howie seem *sexually* impotent compared to the islanders thanks to the stifled mainland English culture he carries with him, he is impotent as far as his ability to exert violence of action, to shoot "freedom seeds", a.k.a. bullets. Bearing arms is after all not granted by the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, but is recognized as God-given. Per Mao Zedong, "All political power grows from the barrel of a gun." Proliferation of arms among common Americans is thus an invitation to vote- in a representative republic by ballot, and in direct democracy by bullet. Lord Summerisle has 16 rifles and 2 shotguns. He's ultravirile- even when he never uses them or his dick directly. England, thus Howie is impotent. Singing has long been a staple in worship, education, and indoctrination. Also in setting the creepy, off-putting, or unfamiliar vibe. I disagree with you. That's not an alternate ending. It could ultimately end that way or not. It's more satisfying to leave it ambiguous. Are you posting alternate endings to Inception, Total Recall, etc. too? Do you have "faith" in the concept of YHWH and his alleged son? Then you'd probably extrapolate that your ending would come to be. It doesn't need to be shown though. Saint Sergeant Howie put a curse on their crops. YHWH stands a decent chance of deciding to execute that curse and smite them. All week long? The entirety of the movie runs from the afternoon of April 29 to the sunset of May 1. "I don't know. He asked around for the whereabouts of young miss Rowan." No body? No motive? No M.O.? No face? No footage? No witness? No last bearing or plates? That's a whole lotta nothing so surely NO CASE! They'd maybe speculate that he'd drowned or fell off a cliff got washed out to sea. There's a much longer thread about how their accents betray that they're Brits though.