DancingintheDark's Posts

So Anthony Rapp made it all up?!? Not talked about enough imo, 10/10 film for me! I love the scene when Ludlow is vodka driving to the machine gun sell and of course everything that follows They’re finally doing justice to Star Wars and remaking episodes 7,8,9 !!! Returning to theaters, remastered and extended!!! Returning to theaters, remastered and extended!!! Returning to theaters, remastered and extended!!! Filming begins this October There’s only one version of Fantastic 4 that’s worth a damn… Exceeded my expectations Rowling is the HERO our society deserves but not the one it needs right now… His new movie is slated for this Christmas!!! Is this a Friday the 13th reimagining? A Damn fine film! The man is back people! Check out his new film/trailer, Darkness of Man! Starring in and DIRECTING a new Western!!! Thoughts on Rebel Wilson’s claims of asshole/inappropriate behavior Solid RT score! This is how to do a remake people! Anyone else notice….. I’ve seen this film many times and just caught it.