capjourney789's Replies

They're homeless people, but you could always ask them for sex. The last person who asked you for money, what happened? What if you knew they were going to spend the money on alcohol, would you still give? Faaaaa-bulous ! ! ! !! Sounds like a post made by someone on DMT. How the hell does Dana Carvey only have that little amount of followers on youtube. Looks like he's not doing that anymore cause he never got that much attention! It's Dana Friiiiicken Carvey!! It boggles my senses! Texas seems like the place to go...... just ask the immigrants. I didn't even see one person mention any of these: Sanford and Son Threes Company Laverne and Shirley Black is popular, but nowadays transgender/gay is faaaaabulous!!! Yes, very cute! Only weird thing about it was from 2:44 to 2:51 where they oddly put the video in slow motion. Why would they do that? It's as if they wanted the viewer to find the beaver sexy while eating that apple. Or maybe I'm weird for even thinking that. No one commented on the video. What about the video?! Yes, the passion!!!!!! I liked it. 10/10 Can any of you relate to this? You know it's cold outside when........ when you stay in your hot shower for a long time when you wear double socks when you cup your hands on your hot cup of tea when you have to put a scarf around your face when you have a hard time sitting on your toilet seat when the water from your faucet feels warm when it's actually room temperature Update: More spies found! Look at this: and this: Update on the balloon story: They've found where the balloon came from and identified 3 people driving it, one of them is a Chinese man named Jackie, look at this: Yah, let it fall into Mount Doom like the ring in Lord of the Rings. You don't have to be very smart to be anything in life. Hell, look at our politicians. How many of you think you're smarter than biden. Someone could make me the ceo for walmart, I can put on a white coat and someone could declare me a scientist, I could go to jurassic park with a brown vest with a magnifying glass and tools and someone could hire me as an archeologist. I'm not smart in any of those things, but if someone hires me to do those things, I can call myself a professional. Don't have to be smart. Everybody be careful what you wish for.... remember this twilight zone ep "The Man In the Bottle" Will it be announced who made the millionth post ?! Or would it have to be posted by the person who actually did the millionth post? How would we know if we made the millionth post? Is it listed somewhere?