Thadd's Posts

Music Video, and woman riding the horse, who was she? A talented and remarkable woman. Inspiration in part or in entirety for Mike Hammer. How does a man with no formal education, no higher rank than a corporal in the military, etc. ? The Greatest ! Anybody ever date someone based on thinking she would make a good B.L. model? Donald Sutherland One of the most moving films I ever saw. A chance to see old friends again and know they turned out alright and ended up O.K. How I first learned of cap. A great film! A great show. I just wish it had lasted longer. That such a thing could happen in Berlin! A real sadist! The Beady Eyed Sadist New Jersey at work. Intense Psychological thriller. Boris Karloff as Mr. Wong, any comments? Please post. A wonderful film A touching story. I bought the comic book over forty years ago.