megameme2x's Replies

you need help, welcome to my ignore list i agree. she looked better than diamond, imo. you sound butt hurt and guilty of the things he described. sucks you could never get your life together you fucking loser. fuck outta here. that's a bunch of bullshit always one of you feminist see you next tuesday(s) gotta take everything to the extreme. you are beyond insane lol @ibarackedyomama good one it's best to ignore trolls like the OP, they are losers living in their moms basement looking for some kind of interaction. Just put him on ignore @ibarackedyomama these two staggof are mad bwahhahahahahahahhaa agreed. jp has a much more interesting story. including 3, jp fanboys seem to love 3 for some reason. it's a terrible movie. agreed 100 percent. I think it's time to end the series, I was hoping this would be the last one, doesn't seem that way. Heather was not only better looking, but she had a better personality. Abby was a b*tch she was always mad at him for something every episode it seemed. She also didn't support especially when he needed it. I don't know why Colt was so obsessed with her, Heather was so much better in looks and personality and she was way funner. She had more in common with Colt than Abby did imo. are you sure? every source i've looked at says the spino is the largest same here. she's cute as shit. i want to see her in the studio 666 movie. i'm hoping it's good and she's good in it. i wanna fuck her welcome to my ignore list welcome to my ignore list you don't know what people would do taggof You weren't paying attention. Being with her taught him how to love, he said he liked to lose himself in porn, when they were at her house and they made love notice the difference in how they are having sex. He lost himself in her. Don Jon explained everything in the ending scene, i really don't know why you guys watch the movie if you're not gonna pay attention. What do you object to about diversity? Seems a lot of you on here are really prejudiced.