GoldenTemple's Replies

You completely misunderstood the ending dialogue. He wasn't referring to himself as one of the many 'normies' yet rather making a statement that there are many out there similar to him in his nature also. Well is how I took it. And this film had some of the best looking marketing advertisement for any film ever including the biggest toyline! Haters of this cannot refute this. We have TPM to thank also for all the upcoming amazing video games it birthed including the city districts of Naboo which was so beautifully done! Was Adam Driver in that supposed to resemble an incel or someone very shy of girls because unless that was the intention the scene with him communicating with Selena Gomez felt so odd to watch. Even Bill Murray there felt awkward around her. Was the ending supposed to imply that he considered retiring by sitting back on chair too or am I overthinking as yeah ending felt full with him deciding to let millionaire live. I agree it felt like an end scene was missing with more relating to his line of work or something to add to the story rather than him letting the millionaire live and walk out. If you've read the American Psycho novel then this very much felt like that. I enjoyed it for what it was yet yeah it requires a specific audience to appreciate the 'not much happens' style. My main issue is the ending as I assumed more was going to happen yet then it simply... ended. I wanted to laugh at how absurd she became in the 3rd act. "JAMESSYYYYYY". The opening of the film too showed this though am aware Cruise purposely does that to make them resemble the opening titles of a TV show. I always defended this film. The countdown of the nuke going off in that scene was stressful nonetheless. Anyway it is now far more realistic than the entire 5th film. You forgot the fantastic Aztec setting. Indy and his group coming across an entire group of natives was fantastic. In the cinema I was like "YES THIS IS INDIANA JONES!" This film sure had such brilliant locations. To think The Flash was miles more enjoyable and entertaining than this. Make it that Mutt survived and became a POW and he has to escape with help of short round. Don't care if it makes no sense it can't be worse than Indy 5 and would be way more entertaining. No character development? Read my new post about the importance this film has relating to motherhood regarding main female character. Will agree film has its issues and isn't perfect. The girl sure felt too safe in this film near end. The elevator (spoilers) seen sure looked like it could have had a scene like that in it but they decided to keep it out. Though for a film which featured children I completely agree if they thought it was too inappropriate to include it. You can't because free will doesn't exist as Sam Harris teaches. It's about knowing this and the way we can overcome an addiction is by locking ourselves away from what may trigger or by getting help from a therapist, medical personnel. Porn and drugs are exactly the same effect to the brain i.e. you will want to look for the next higher thing so keep that in mind. Remember Buddha teaches us to not be attached. Is very hard in Western world. Don't think I am giving you greatest advice as i myself suffer from what I consider to be multiple personalities where I am aware it is a bad addiction yet then I feel the absolute need to still view porn like it controls me. This is where free will is an illusion which many still don't want to accept. They think everyone has a choice yet this isn't case as due to our brains some are more wired to addiction than others and for those who are it is a constant wrestle through life to control it. The Batman. It should have been 2 films. Well incels or volcels didn't exist then because parents didn't smother their kids to make them grow up abnormal like a lot do nowadays sadly. They made that and it's called 'Hatred' if I remember yet like what is the point of a game like that? I can see The Purge being made into a game yet if there is gangs or thugs why harm unarmed people? The issue is the way Bond uses those terms. In one part in Dr. No he uses it as an attack on a patrol guard. That wasn't right and as I said in other post Bond is not a racist at all in the books. He will work and talk to whoever yet now and then he may use terms against the race of a villain which I agree wasn't right for him to say those things in that manner.