Eli99999's Replies

NOPE Lol bruh, provided you sleep seven hours a night, which is average, you’ve got one post per waking hour since this forum has opened. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I unfollowed him shortly after I saw this, and I took a look at his profile and realized he was shilling the vax, which I’m not against, then he had some thing to say about MIA questioning tptb, among other things. Just made me realize he’s another puppet. Lol that’s not how it works I don’t follow Rob Reiner, but I do follow Elijah. Scrolling through the main page of Twitter showed me Rob’s tweet, and it said “liked by Elijah Wood” above it, so Robs tweet was recommended to me based on a separate follow. That’s why I said liked tweet, Elijah liked it. He said it himself, social media is his bread and butter. He’s had a strong social media presence for years, now nothing. Jesus, you need help just as much as she does it seems. Imagine being so hostile and angry at a complete stranger online for their harmless comment about celebrity drama…lmao time to re-evaluate your life bro, how embarrassing. Stealing my joke? https://moviechat.org/tt14676686/BET-Awards-2021/6241bbe76d5fff54222c61d0/I-forgot-this-was-on-last-night-did-I-miss-anything Given the height differences, it would’ve been sexual assault. If the other rock had also agreed to it, then probably. Except the other rock is known for overacting, so he would’ve probably blown it by going all WWE in his facial expression’s.