ElectricWarlock's Replies

Plus, that prank she played at said party was in really bad taste. She was close friends with 2 people very nearly killed by Michael Myers in the previous film, yet she still found it funny to have a guy in a Michael Myers mask pretend to kill her? I don't care how annoying those cops were. That is pretty fucked up. Many already have and many have liked it. I thought the colors were beautiful as well, but this was far from the first time it was in color. We have Munster, Go Home!, The Munsters' Revenge, Here Come The Munsters, The Munsters: Scary Little Christmas, and Mockingbird Lane. Keeping that in mind, I felt it was ridiculous that people gave Rob Zombie such a hard time for not making it in black and white. They haven't been black and white since 1966 and there have been many Munsters movies and shows since then. People act like they forgot about them all. That would've been excellent. He didn't even give us a hint that she or Eddie would be in a potential sequel. So maybe they just don't exist in this version. Yes, it did. And looking back, we should've known it would be that way when all there was to Mockingbird Heights was that one little street. Rob Zombie said in the commentary he couldn't find anything in Budapest that remotely resembled a small American town so he had to have that entire neighborhood custom built. That's all the more reason we need a sequel in my eyes. I agree. When it was announced to be a prequel, I was sure the ending would be Lily saying "Guess what? I'm pregnant!" with Herman fainting through a table. All we got was "I'm too young to have kids! I'm only 150!" And Marilyn was in her late teens or early 20s when the show started and she once said she lived with them since she was a baby... Prequel or not, I think they could've included them in some way or set it up for their future inclusion. But Rob and Sheri have no kids and never wanted any. Rob seems to like modeling his characters after himself. Herman being a rock star is one example. So perhaps he thinks HIS Munsters family is already complete with just the 3. I, for one, hope they allow it to happen again. I'd like to see a sequel. It seemed like they barely got to the USA and then the end credits started rolling. I'd like to see a movie about Rob Zombie's Munsters in America, preferably with Eddie and Marilyn added in next time. Aren't The Munsters themselves parodies of the Universal horror films? Can you parody a parody? I just meant the gross of the film. If it's a flop Universal will think nobody is interested and won't greenlight anymore. The only problem is as she gets older and older it'll be harder and harder to pass her off as a 9-year-old girl. They were really pushing it this time. By the time they get to Orphan 5, she'll probably be pushing 40 and I don't think there's enough CGI in the world to make someone that old look 9. They'd probably have to recast and who else could ever fill her shoes? If they're going to make them, they'd better hurry up. I'd very much like to see a followup to the movie whether it comes in movie or TV form. I'd like to see Rob's versions of Eddie and Marilyn, assuming he'd include them because he may think the family is already complete without them for all I know. But I believe he would include them at some point so I'd like to see who he'd cast and what they'd be like. Though I am certain the leaks happening so early probably devastated it financially. Now people won't stream it on Netflix because they've already seen it illegally through the leaks. That combined with the negative reviews, we may never get to see a sequel in any form. A one-off just like when Mockingbird Lane failed to go to series. It will be a shame if that happens. Fuck them. There is nothing wrong with the movie. "A piece of pussy"? She is a human being, not a sex object. And Wednesday is from The Addams Family. This is The Munsters. Two completely different things. I'm sure you've seen the movie by now, but if not, I'll give you a hint. It seems to take inspiration from a very popular theory regarding the case of JonBenet Ramsey. It was originally going to be on Peacock. I'm sort of surprised it isn't seeing as how Universal owns Peacock. It is rated PG so violence and gore is highly unlikely. It appears that way but Rob Zombie hasn't said for sure one way or the other. I agree that it's a stupid decision to leave them out. He'll already have Munsters fans pissed off before they even see 1 second of the movie. He can include all these 1-episode wonder characters like Lester, Gilbert, Zombo, etc., but 2 characters who appear in every single episode are somehow too much to ask for. Never mind. She is not Marilyn.