MovieChat Forums > Socklaybleu

Socklaybleu (34)


So that just ignored that Beck was in Prison ? Lol They crank up the insanity for this sequel It's everything that I love about B Movies Top Gun Maverick is an average movie It's an average movie , it's just most movies are so bad these days Sam Rockwell.. shaking his ass Do people REALLY understand how the office of POTUS works ? This movie deserves more praise. Why do people pretend like cooking is so hard? The show Lost started a horrible trend ... View all posts >


Why? Because of ridiculously loud speakers? No thx. I don't need to have my ear drums shattered It's high. That was part of my point. I saw it in the theater. Worst part is I went to Applebee's after and they were running some top gun Maverick promotion and there were posters everywhere I felt like such a whore LOL Nobody wants to see two grown men in tights grind and sweat all over each other .. oh wait. Nvm Ok I can see what this is turning into. You think maybe he approaches the directors ? " I gotta get a dance in.. let's write this scene in" 😅 Or maybe just arranged marriages ? I don't see why you have to involve the govt. 3 years for Treason huh? I thought treason was considered a punishable by death crime at one point ? Weed dealers get more time than that. All I know is Women have the babies ... Nothing can change that. No surgery or hormones... The end. Marriage is thought of differently in other parts of the world. People in the West marry for love. In other parts of the world though , marriage is more as an arrangement... Or for stability. View all replies >