MovieChat Forums > javie > Replies

javie's Replies

What do you know? You married a lesbian. So weird and wrong it's done that way Lol Who c9uld that be? Isle? What if her relatives aren't any better? Just get rid of her ,and maybe she won't ever talk. What do you mean? Thanx Shes been here over a week now. What's the use? I just can't understand it. They were educated people. How could she get out ofmthwt house without being burned?? I hope so. You speak as if we plan to harm the children. We offer them no choice 8n the matter. I think that's the worst thing about war. Not just what it does to bodies. What it does to MINDS. Nobody had a chance. Just listen to a little logic, a little sense, ITS BLOWN right out of proportion, do you understand that? U have GOT to understand, you've got to believe me. When amber wrote this, what was she drinking? What was she on? Or is she always not all there? What is she, 60???? A week. He's been fully longer than that "You simply don't care about him in a healthy way" Either do you, luv