RealInfinitum's Replies

Is anyone else getting sick of white men whining about how everything is not always all about them anymore? I look forward to watching Star Trek. Didn't care for the ultra violence of Picard or the coked up fast and furious style of the last movie though. Actually having watched it again, I see that he was underrated. He performed his acting role well, that of a very angry rebellious adolescent that gets angrier when he thinks he's being disrespected and thinks he knows more than his master not knowing all his master knows. Thought the clones fought on behalf of the Jedi against the Droid army of the trade Federation and Dooku. The plan between whatever ord was leading Dooku and Palpatine though is to start a war, in which they could have everyone fighting themselves so they could rise in power. Everyone knows the Mueller report showed that Trump committed wrong doing. Even Mueller himself got on the mic and said the same but it was not up to the FBI to charge a sitting president. It was Congress's job, which they did, twice. The Senate just blocked it. Hopefully they will get Trump for high crimes now because he is a traitor of the highest order. You must be saying that because everyone knows trump was wearing diapers and it is like Dooku pointing the finger at Obi-wan (Biden). Problem with Dooku if you remember he said he was aligning himself with the dark side too. In other words what he was saying to Obi-wan was just double talk, much like Republicans do IRL, but Obi-wan wasn't gullible enough to fall for it. Conclusion, the situation was complicated, really complicated. Basically it was like two lords of the dark side getting everyone to fight one another, before the good folks realized Palpatine wasn't on their side. It was kind of complicated. The Republic was corrupt because they were being led by the Sith Palpatine right but at the same time Count Dooku was his own form of evil. Why did he fight and hate the Jedi and admit to being on the dark side? Wasn't he really in league with the Dark side, and the Sith in the end, just like Trump fooled so many people into thinking he wasn't on the dark side, Dooku and Palpatine did the same? He wasn't whiny, he was kinda indicating a mental disturbance and a lot of inner anger. Totally but it is just a story. Something had to make Anakin crack. That was it. You may think you're funny, but that's just thinly veiled evil speech.