Shannon82's Replies

Perfect! Exactly. The people have a right to defend against rioting, violence and destruction. I would disagree. A town, a community, families and businesses were in danger. Violence and destruction always accompany "protests". When the police and National Guard show up as representatives of the people or the military goes to war for the people, everyone is fine with that. Why can't "we the people" act directly to protect rather than wait for our representatives to do it? Because she chews the scenery of every movie she has ever been in. I get so sick of her over stylized over acting. And so aware of her acting, rather than engaged in the character. Yes, Margo was paranoid, anyway. But, I do think she sensed things about Eve, nonetheless. I would say it was Birdie who had the knack of seeing through Eve from the getgo. I was under the impression that Addison simply knew the real events of the night Lloyd went to Eve's apartment inquiring as to her welfare the night before the play. Although Lloyd may have had a little infatuation for Eve, for all the reasons Karen had mentioned, I don't think he would have ever cheated on or left Karen. All that Eve said on the subject of Lloyd was a lie and a twisted reality she was still coniving to accomplish.