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Painter (37)


Hit and miss. Mostly miss. Watching this or the first time.... It's basically a videogame Woke crap This is the best they could do?!?!?! (spoilers inside) Rewatching the whole show - Season 1 Three serious mistakes Season 6 ep. 7 Season 6 ep. 6 Boring, derivative and sterile View all posts >


Eh, it could go either way. A large segment of the population still believes in the narration. I'd say the Italy is split about half and half about Uncle Vlad. She's a fucking liar and already betrayed her electoral promises. Alpha female my ass, she's caving to any and every request by the USA, NATO EU and the Left. She promised naval blockades against illegal aliens from Africa and she is having record numbers in landings. Fuck off. I don't bite, sorry. It looks like she's Na'vi Jesus, daughter of Eywa born from immaculate conception and will probably save Pandora with her sacrifice. On a side note I can't understand any kind of strong feeling toward the Avatar franchise. It's serviceable, pleasing to the eye and easy to digest, but nothing more and nothing less. Now, that's an awfully good question. I guess writers couldn't move away from the very human 'individual' mindset. Oh, they certainly will because they are mistaken in thinking that a copy of you is still you. I don't think that the discussion about the soul or the conscience or whatever will fade away. As soon as those people will start to die and understand that they are most definitely not coming back they'll start to panic. There's also the other faction busy with studying telomeres and how to invert the aging process. Having said that, human beings being the little shits that they are, in the future they will probably find a way to use the mind download as in the movie, to use the skills and the experience of very special individuals, like great sport champions etc. at least for a while. "doesn't the ability to download/store memories and upload them into new bodies (Na'vi bodies, in this case) already solve the immortality issue?" Actually no. This is a mechanicistic view of living beings and does not take into account what can be called 'soul' for wanting of a better term. If they make a copy of your mind and for the sake of argument put it in a body that's the exact copy of yours, you will still be in your original body. If you die in your original body your conscience is gone. Forever. The copy will be you only for others that won't see a difference, but the original you it's no more. This is the huge flaw in the transhumanistic ideal of downloading and uploading minds. If possible it would create just infnite copies and the original (i.E. you, your soul) would be lost sooner or later. The opening credits and the music choices already give away a lot. Especially the credits. I do and for some a lot. A strong and intelligent woman doesen't need to be victim of the patriarchy, for isntance. It would've been much more compelling without the lecturing. Actually is my bad, I should know better by now and stick to old stuff, but I kinda figured out already what's going on, at least in broad lines, so I'm kinda curious to see if I'm right. I watched 4 episodes and so far: - Strong and very intelligent woman unjustly put down by the patriarchy. - Gay sex; not graphic, but gross enough to fast forward. - Good hearted black man persecuted by angry and evil whities. - White woman in a loveless marriage attracted to the kind black man. There might be more, but frankly I'm not paying that much attention. Not even close. Stop listening to MSM or butthurt lefties. View all replies >