GypsyMike's Replies

Good! Thanks for bumping it up! Thanks for the bump up! Keep bumping it up with your hits! It belongs wherever I put it! Hit your mute button... If you have a problem with what I type, get over it. Or, dial-up the management staff and get me banned. I don’t answer to you sister... Hit your mute button boss! If your eyes and mind are on the brink of spontaneous combustion! No I won’t stop...move on ‘The Naked Prey’ with Cornel Wilde... I imagine Zimbabwe’s has it’s own tongue as well. Going on memory here! Old movies and geography... Wahtusii? Just another that comes to mind... Pretty sad if there’s 2000 linguistics on that continent! Nope...just the only one I know of. lol... That was some good info that I wasn’t aware of... You can dismiss the name if you choose.....I was aware that the ‘true’ pronunciation was lost over centuries. And I was aware that the vowels were later added, but, for His name to unify His people worldwide, it is accepted today. Swahili? YHYW...there aren’t any vowels in ancient Hebrew. In today’s tongue, it is Jehovah. Excepted by God Himself. You can take His Name around the planet and the pronunciation varies. Being the Creator of language, He recognizes His name in any tongue. Not a miss translation. An excepted translation. Thanks for the input. Some take things to an extreme. It’s not easy becoming or being a JW. It’s difficult to stand straight in a crooked world. That’s why they look so odd. Shedding the woes of this system takes determination. Many slip away on the littlest of things. Functioning in a sick world is a challenge. Thanks for the knowledge! I wasn’t aware of any of ‘that’. I guess crazy breeds crazy? Okay. I didn’t realize SP had so much knowledge about things. I’ll have to start watching. That’s the Homer guy, right? Too much cash to spread around! I want it all! People got along with one another much better than they do today. Even though some had their differences, some wanted their own stardom. Simon & Garfunkel. Even the Beatles. Crosby Stills Nash & sometimes Young had their problems. Roger Waters & David Gilmor as well. The Mamma’s & Pappa’s probably would have had some artistic differences if Cass Elliot didn’t die. Harmonizing and back up groups? A thing of the past... lol They already hear what you are saying. Recruitment is down. Across the board in all the services. Who wants to be a cop these days as well? Who’s condoning what? There is a large amount of Vets on psychotropic pills. Pills for anxiety and depression. Pills for PTSD. Usually put on these things prior to leaving the service. Once they hit the VA, they are given a cocktail of these pills that prolongs and amplifies the problem. While claiming to control the symptoms. Who’s responsible? The shrinks, who will never be brought up on malpractice charges or the lobbyist for the pharmaceutical companies? The FDA for approving these pills with false clinical test? They have no idea what these so-called pills do! I guess letting them die is more important than giving them a VA check for any problems associated with combat. Why are they committing suicide? Maybe the pills that are supposed to help them are actually killing them! But, what do I know? I’m just a victim of their pharmaceutical experiment! A surviving victim of these pills I no longer take! Life has been much better without that garbage that they hand out like candy!