wositelec's Replies

I have answers from my friends too: "It could be an attempt to depict a battle like the renowned Little Big Horn (because of the "several hundred" soldiers involved), but it didn't happen in the southwest...they had an African-American in that battle , what seems the most strange in your account, is that no Natives are killed..." https://www.nps.gov/libi/learn/historyculture/isaiah-dorman.htm "Amazing. Never heard of such a story in a western movie. "Duel at Diablo" does not match. Interested if anyone knows it. Maybe a TV western ?" "The story reminds me Ulzana's Raid by Robert Aldrich but the year not match and there is no African scout ... (Yes, I tried to speak English .... Laboriously) Black actor un western .... Woody Strode, Sidney Poitier ? Stepin Fetchit no... Major Dundee with Brock Peters ? Maybe... But the last battle is in the river ...... " Is it possible "Major Dundee" (1965) ? And maybe "Angela Anakonda" ? "A rambunctious girl and her friends' adventures in school and their community." It was mostly 2D. It will be tough to find, but maybe: Bugles in the Afternoon (1952) The Command (1954) Sitting Bull (1954) - here is African American in civilian clothes The Last Frontier (1955) 7th Cavalry (1956) Pillars of the sky (1956) Fort Massacre (1958) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Western_(genre)_cavalry_films "Cheyenne Autumn" (1964) is similar, but I don't remember African American scout. OK. And "Two Flags West" (1950) ? "Forced by circumstances,Confederate POWs and Union soldiers join forces against Indians but old animosities resurface during their fragile alliance." It has two versions: B&W and color. Info from my friend: "Is it possible that you've mixed up two different movies or TV shows? Or that you've mistaken another actor for Dennis Farina? Tbh I've become intrigued by this, so I've Googled a lot to try and find it. I've seen you've asked about it on another forum too. I've Googled: Dennis Farina sex scene Movie scene where tires are stolen from car "Isn't that ironic?" on Quodb (A site where you can find a movie by searching a quote from it) Cement factory and car dealership I've skimmed through some of his movies from the 80s and 90s, but haven't found anything that matches. The show where he plays "Prosecutor Kelly" (Blind Faith) doesn't have any sex scenes or a female black character, BUT there is a scene where he questioning the guy on the stand he says "Isn't that a FACT?", which is similar to "Isn't that ironic?"." Maybe "Ulzana's Raid" (1972) ? So maybe "Blood on the Arrow" (1964)? It is in a color and contains similar facts: "After the first battle, the Indians ride off after having wiped out the soldiers, leaving their own dead behind. Apaches never left their dead behind, bringing them back to their village if possible or burying them at the scene". Other possibility is "Escape from Fort Bravo" (1953). Maybe "Little Big Horn" (1951) ? Maybe "Broken Arrow" (1950) ? Yes, it will be "Crime Stories" (1986) or " Blind Faith" (1998). I think that it is similar situation like "my" prison episode. Nobody doesn't remember exact plot of different episodes, because it was long time ago. Other possibility (suggestion of my familiar) is: "There a show called Unsolved Mysteries, with Dennis Farina being in a lot of episodes. A person/character Dorothy Killian was in this show with him for 2 episodes, specifically S08E10 and S08E14." Maybe it is "Sweet Poison" (TV Movie 1991) ? "A convict on the run from the law kidnaps a couple who are on their way to a funeral. He finds that he got more than he bargained for when he realizes the man's sexy wife is falling for him." I think about "Beyond The Walls" (1984) or "Walls" (1984) too, however it is tough to find as well. I don't have any idea, but maybe you try this website: https://www.popmystic.com/ My newest "finding" is "The Equalizer" - S4.E17 Prisoners of Conscience (TV Episode 1989) and "Quincy M.E." Riot (TV Episode 1980). Unfortunately, I didn't find videos. I think about "Quincy M.E." and an episode entitled "Riot" - unfortunately it isn't online available. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0681825/ Quincy and Sam are called to a prison to help investigate the murder of one of the inmates. Once there they soon find themselves held hostage by the prisoners when they begin a riot.User planktonrules wrote: "Riot" begins inside a prison. It's soon very obvious that the warden is a jerk--the sort of guy who inflames the prisoners and makes small problems huge. Soon, a prisoner dies and the inmates assume one of the guards killed him. After all, he was a brutal guy and loved mistreating them. So it isn't surprising that a riot breaks out and the prisoners take many of the guards prisoner--including the guy they think is responsible for the death. Unfortunately, Sam and Quincy are in the middle of this, as they were called in to examine the dead prisoner's body--and they are taken prisoner by the rioters. Fortunately, one of the rioters (Al White) is not such a hot-head and he is able to influence some of the prisoners to use caution and restraint. Without him, Sam and Quincy as well as the other prisoners would be goners. Quincy is able to get the men to give him time to finish the autopsy before they take their next step. However, there are two huge problems--Sam is forced to stay behind with the prisoners while Quince goes back to the lab and the warden seems to be doing everything he can to escalate the situation! Can Quincy figure out what happened as well as save his friend? This is a very taut and well made episode--and among the best of season five. It's made better by Al White's guest appearance. He is a solid actor and has a real presence about him throughout the show. And, if you see him and can't quite place where you saw him before, think of the movi Something from this lsit (17 elements)? https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_movie&genres=thriller&release_date=1980-01-01,2007-12-01&sort=release_date,asc&plot=psychiatrist Maybe it is "Pay Off" (1987) ? "A Psychiatrist kills his ex-lover/ex-patients family and burns her house down and she is soon committed into an insane asylum. The Doctor applies for a position at the asylum so that he can plan her murder but the position he wanted is already taken by a new female Psychiatrist, so he decides to fall in love with her to be able to get closer to his ex-lover/ex-patient who is now being harassed by the other patients who also want her dead." Number one is still unsolved. Any idea? Refresh again. I am surprised that it is almost impossible to find. Maybe The Green-Eyed Blonde (1957) ? "Behind the locked gates and barbed-wire fences of a Los Angeles-area reformatory for wayward girls and unwed mothers, the inmates conceal a newborn baby boy from the institution's housemother and caretaker guards two weeks before Christmas to keep them from sending him to an adoption agency. They steal linens and bedsheets to make diapers, take shifts to care for the baby, and make Christmas presents from odds and ends and personal items to give little "Buddy" the Christmas none of them have ever had." Could be: "Life of crime" (2013) ? Maybe Ryan Gosling? He is some similar.