damiendada's Replies

What can I say… each shot is dazzling, it’s spectacular, demanding, finely written, moving, unexpected and surprising https://tutuappx.com/ An original and pleasantly surprising film to say the least. The story is whimsical, visually very successful, and carries a message of equality and freedom. https://www.minimilitia.mobi/ https://www.applock.ooo/ I also recommend Severance, very good! https://tutuappx.com/ for me the forgotten films are not good films. https://www.minimilitia.mobi/ https://www.applock.ooo/ I saw one episode of the 4th season of You, the story has completely changed, it's not like before. https://www.minimilitia.mobi/ https://www.applock.ooo/ Lentil soup and pizza. Human behavior is really complicated. interesting game, i would like to know how to play. For me it's Taylor swift look what you made me do too. personally i have never been interested in reality tv. It's not bad but seen and reviewed. Woody Harrelson and Kevin Hart are fine, the stunts aren't original. I think it would be really interesting to see a more horrifying Harry Potter movie. I'm not really interested in a Harry Potter TV series An accusation a little too abused I think "You talking to me ?" (Taxi Driver, 1976) I rarely forget the movies I've seen. Steven Spielberg- 10 Martin Scorsese - 9 Joel Coen - 10 Sorry that doesn't mean anything to me, do you know the year the film was released? Hi, have you searched on google? reynolds who plays the clown, gal gadot who makes the maid inaccessible and dwayne johnson who plays a big government arm, nothing new