MovieChat Forums > Kokoro > Replies

Kokoro's Replies

I could see Ryan Reynolds as Hal although Rosemary would definitely be more suspious of his intentions. Samantha was the Sex in Sex and the City! The Russell Brand era He liked nice girls or self made women like the doctor. He was smart enough to stay away from the gold diggers. She wasn't a booty call. He could not see himself settling down with someone that was so young ( 23-25 ish). He offered her a long term relationship only. Personally I think he would not have settled down with anyone. As a nurse she could have a 12 hour shift job that would give her at least half the day off. Plus she probably visited her out of town "mother" often by herself. To keep up with the illusion she would have to be on "call" at all times. One of the deleted scenes showed that his wife beat out several other actresses on the show for the job. I always assumed she was already pregnant by the time she arrived. She knew she needed to straighten up and landed at Forrest's home. When he expressed that he wanted to marry her she felt about taking advantage of him. She had sex with him because that is the only form she knew how to express her feelings having grown up abused. She left because she didn't want to hurt him with her demons. She returned later on after she was given a terminal diagnosis to give Forrest what he wanted (marriage) as a thank you. She also wanted to make sure someone took care of her child after her passing. Forrest was wealthy and emotionally healthy. She knew this was the best option for her son. She gave Forrest the title of father to her child. In a way she would continue to live on with Forrest through her son. I think Mark did a wonderful job as the grieving father. Fish Tank is another movie with British lower class as a back drop. Probably Sam was cash rich and paid for the loft in full. Also something tells me the relationship between Molly was longer than we assumed. Most likely they shared bank accounts. Plus insurance and pension with Molly's name attached. It is also pre gentrification. There is a Japanese remake with a female taking on the Sam role. If I was asked to pick a number from 0 to a 1000 I would have written a random word like niche. That would be the proof I would need. Stu definitely moved on. Probably never called again after dropping them off. Miranda probably tried to call to apologize but she got the message after he didn't reply. In the end I think Miranda ended up alone while Daniel now cash rich ended up with a younger free spirited woman like Jenna Elfman. Daniel most likely earned his millions from Mrs. Doubtfire merchandise (think the Barney craze of the 90s). Probably set up his children for life. A bittersweet ending for both. We all wish she didn't It is actually a female zombie but I see the resemblance. Reminds me of Tom Cruise as Stacee Jaxx in Rock Of Ages with the long hair. Labor Pains was her last good staring role. She might make a come back when she is older. She still looks both young and old at this time. She is actually not a bad actress just like Cameron Diaz. They both choose lazy roles for the paycheck but once they find a good role they shine. It was more of a nostalgia thing for him. She looked older than him anyway. He didn't even seem that excited about Ali.