yourworseopinion's Replies

Miniseries can be as good as movies. E.g. Das Boot or Band of Brothers. Another one cut down in their prime. it's an abuse of power, also jerking off in front of your coworkers is literal sexual harassment, so.... Educating children is one thing, but negligently marketing firearms towards them is another. THere's a reason that 20 children are sent to the hopsital a day in the US due to firearms related injuries. An adult purchasing a firearm and leaving it around the house for a toddler to find and shoot their sibling with is not something to champion. Neither is a 10 year old girl shooting and killing her instructor. The problem is that human beings are naturally incompetent. They cannot be entrusted to teach their children to use a gun responsibly. Only LEGISLATION and strong gun control can accomplish that. It's funny you should mention fear, as the firearms industry specifically targets people's fears and uncertainty to sell their weaponry. Fear of crime, terrorism, or societal collapse all play into their bottom line, which I think is a disgusting business practice, but that is what American has become. Profit over human safety. As for the guns vs knives argument, I simply don't buy into it. Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened if Adam Lanza only had access to knives. Neither would the Las Vegas shooter have, nor any other myriad of mass shootings. Would these perpetrators have just tried to run people over in cars? Perhaps, but we shouldn't be giving more avenues and opportunities for mass murderers to carry out their evil plans. Besides, mass shootings are just one small aspect of gun violence. The majority of cases are crimes of passion, gang violence, crime, accidents, and suicides', which could all be easily prevented if gun manufacturers were more responsible and weren't flooding the country with guns. Also, you really think a farmers armed with hunting rifles are going to be able to fight back against a tyrannical power? You think an AR-15 is any match against a drone? There is literally no advantage for Americans to be armed to the teeth and killing each other other than corporations' bottom line. Tell me, when has the 2nd amendment ever prevented a tyranny?