theWatcher74's Replies

Damn. I didn't even know he was sick. He was a great Black Panther. I agree. Screen presence is different than acting, too. Like you said, even in a very small role, you tended to notice Eastwood. He didn't really need to speak. Some people just have personalities that come across on screen. Is that the case anymore? I think like a third of my cousins don't have kids and we are all 30+. It's fairily common based on what I've seen. i think the statistics show that too. Yeah, I'm curious what that European cheese tastes like now. Is it better? European chocolate tends to be a lot better than the mass produced chocolate here in the US, I know. The cheese is very good here, yes. I have not tried what the cheese tastes like in other states, though. I imagine a lot of them get some of their cheese supply from here. Yeah. The big hair was trendy in the 80s. Maybe she was a Jamie Lee Curtis fan. I can't remember many other women wearing their hair short. Yeah. I felt a lot more invested in the characters in the Descent. Probably. Some heroin addicts beat the odds, though. Writer William Burroughs made it into his 80s and died of a heart attack. I don't think he ever kicked it. She had a pretty eventful life. When she got pregnant the baby was called "the band baby" because there were so many possibilities for the father. That made me laugh. She was looking pretty rough by the time she injected Belushi with that fatal speedball. She lived pretty hard. I think her career was fading and perhaps she got interested in starting a family. Or just got tired of the grind of going up for parts. It happens a lot. An actor has a little bit of success and looks like they could be headed for big things, but they never really take the next step. Edit: Looks like she's still acting, but in smaller parts and movies. Original Trek. X - Files. I missed a lot of episodes of TNG when it was on. I haven't even gotten around to watching a lot of South Park, Fargo, and Breaking Bad yet, though. Got to watch those for the first time. Every scene in Goodfellas. Love that movie. Being taught by your mother is? I suffered from sleep paralysis when I was younger. It wasn't real common, thank God. It'd happen maybe 2-3 times a year. I would sometimes react by yelling out when it wore off and even bolted from my room once. Jump scared my mom doing that. I like the Descent a little more. Most of the videos I watch will have maybe one or two ads every 15 minutes on average. That's about what its been like for a while now. I can take a couple of ten second ads. I grew up in the days of television when we were forced to watch four minutes or so worth of ads about every twelve minutes. First post I see on this board is making this joke! Congrats! Eh. I was about to write a reply explaining that I was obviously referring to Jacob Blake, who has been in the news a lot lately after being shot by police, and just wrote the name of someone with a similar name by accident, but what's the point? Ha. I'm sure you know who I meant. Barnes used to pitch for the Brewers, when I followed them, which is why I guess my brain went with his name. I'm not trying to school you. Do you think that Blake was provoked by the police? Interesting. Do you think that's what happened to Jacob Barnes?