MrRockStone's Replies

Mr Branko Lustig was a Holocaust survivor. Russell Crowe might had been wise to rethink his words. Indeed! All google results regarding critique around the vaccine has been removed - ask yourself why ? LOL Im not sure the exponential $$ is in tweets, but rather magazine articles, books & exposés just like in this film. A writing job will yield a Bond Street, Manhattan office and a superb apartment over looking Wooster Street. The 9 minute commute must be a killer for Laura. Im not surprised. But too late for Jeffrey Epstein. The running of the Jew from Borat 2006 was pretty funny but caused anti-Semitic outrage back than. Borat in 2020 is presented as a big nosed conniving money hungry puppeteer - but the segment ends with the message "Jews nice, they are just like you & i, and the holocaust was real" Although not as impressive or perpendicular as the view from the First Street Bridge, the 4th street bridge also connects East L.A. to Downtown L.A. and has gorgeous views of the L.A. skyline. The bridge itself is impressively designed.,-118.2318699,3a,75y,358.96h,85.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skkSNCjo0-aOe0ATGFCpE2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=no Has the charges been dropped ? She is angry at iMDB : Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi was hoping Gruber would get on a jet to Tokyo. This show had 4,7 million viewers on E1 and dropped to 3,2 milion by E4. That is way too few for a show to sustainable. Universal Pictures along with producer Moshe Diamant did not want to pay the added insurance premium. Moshe Diamant was a ruthless bastard and had managed to "trick" VD into a 10 picture deal contract. There are rumors that she rejected Avi Lerner on the set Conan the Barbarian back in 2011. This hurt her career as she was cancelled and rejected for a few parts. But that is old news now. Yes, very violently. Poured beer on and raped from behind over the kitchen table by Elias Koteas. Paramount Pictures requested the sequenced cut. It was deemed too graphic. This was the only cut from both the TV & theatrical release , Antoine Fuqua agreed. No thanks! And with shoestring budget!! Shot on location in Romania. Tommy moved to the US in the early 80´s without any cash under the name Pierre. He pops up in San Francisco in the 1987 still broke but under Thomas or Tommy. By 1988, Tommy owns at least one commercial property in San Francisco, near Fisherman’s Wharf. In Oakland he managed to secure a few real estate deals with producer Drew Caffrey (1931–1999) Drew Caffrey paid to "The Room" full production , $6 mill but AFTER his death. By 1996, Tommy owns several residential buildings and a restaurant. He made the bulk of his cash selling and buying real estate. Most Americans vote based on what their favorite actor tells them to!