WhoToTrust's Replies

And yet in the week since this exchange started, you've obviously not even attempted to look up and objectively consider such things for yourself. Low IQ drone indeed. - Eyeroll - Does fox "news" send you their obviously disingenuous (to everyone capable of being objective and rational that is) talking points personally, or do you just copy and paste them on your own? - Eyeroll - Your SAD! reliance on such a false-equivalency argument says more about you than it does Crockett. "Spin" indeed. - Eyeroll - Just because she's been able to convince YOU that peoples' responses to her idiocy are due to jealousy doesn't mean everyone else is as easily manipulated as you. There has been no need to assume your puddingheadness, that you're even asking such questions despite things that have ALREADY happened (and been publicly promised WILL happen) by the maga movement proves it. I can obviously admit that nothing's going to happen where it comes to you even trying to figure such things out for yourself...as you've repeatedly now proven here. That you're now trying to distract from that fact with such childish attempts at insults indicates your inability to do so stems from simple immaturity, both personally and politically. Anyone capable of objective, rational thought understands that trump is obviously in need of professional psychological help, but also knows he's the type of person who will never even take the first step of considering admitting that about himself. That said, the "freeze" moment in question could admittedly be chalked up to a teleprompter issue, which hypocritically, is simply another thing he will likely never admit to since he's on record of accusing some of his political opponents of being weak-minded because of, you guessed it, relying on teleprompters too much because they have no original thoughts of their own. - Eyeroll - Simply SAD! that trump supporters can see all of these things with their own eyes from an outside perspective, but are apparently also the types of people who will never take the first step of considering admitting such things about trump...and themselves by their continued support of trump. trump and his maga supporters are such narcissistic drama queens. SAD! Thank you for illustrating that you STILL aren't capable of figuring out such things for yourself...even when those things are ABOUT yourself. SAD! Except in cases of people like mtg of course, as she's repeatedly proven....to all those actually capable of understanding that is. Actions such as the comments you two are making here in your replies of course. (You see, we don't even need to wait for a second trump term to occur). Simply SAD! that neither of you can apparently figure that out for yourselves, about yourselves, without having to have it explained to you. - Eyeroll - No, the Dem women responded with mtgs' own tactic because mtg insulted them first (which is obviously what you mainly thought was "cool"). What's messed up is you weakly trying to rewrite that story, not to mention interjecting your own personal (and obviously politically motivated) insult about AOC to try to distract from the fact that mtg got her @ss handed to her at her own game. mtg can work out all she wants, but as was proven by Crockett, mtg's workouts are obviously no substitute for a weak mind. So what do you think you're saying about yourself and the validity of your opinions if you're asking someone else to explain such things to you at this point given the documented history of past fascist regimes you have at your disposal to try to objectively learn such things for yourself? That you're even basing ANY of your political opinion on what amount of weight a person can lift pretty much says all that needs to be said about your political opinion...which is not surprising considering the majority of the other opinions I've seen you expressing here over the years. Nope. TRUE badasses can dish it out AND take it, and that has obviously NEVER been the case with mtg, who likes to hurl insults but then cries foul when her own tactics get turned around on her...the maga way. SAD! Doesn't matter whether it was posted by a staffer or trump himself. There is ALREADY enough evidence to prove that the maga movement is fascist. Anyone who can't see that at this point is either incapable of seeing, or simply doesn't WANT to see it because of what they'd have to admit about THEMSELVES if they did. Been awhile since I've been here, but I see that the right wings' practice of every accusation being an admission is still SADLY! alive and well. The epitome of irony for trump supporters to accuse OTHERS of being obsessive freaks needing to find an identity outside of trump...as illustrated by the comments of the trump fans on this message board. <Eyeroll> It's very telling when trump supporters prove that they're simply operating on the premise that the "fix is in", and basing none of their opinions on any knowledge of what is clearly constitutional. Well obviously, based on the fact that the consensus you claim is present doesn't actually exist.