MovieChat Forums > Micke632

Micke632 (13)



Why so much focus on Tucker? I dont understand this I think the third movie killed the franchise. Atleast for me. relax ffs. He just said that the move should be about Mad Max. Haha that was my first thought too Yes this was painfully bad. Maybe it worked in the game I don't know but it sure didn't work as a show. And then the swearing and to be honest not very likeable characters...awful But what is fun about it? And never watched "heat"? If you liked first season , you will love the rest In the book if I remember correctly, he got an injury in the eye so it teared all the time I really liked the first two, but seeing this in theater was so gringe. I could feel it after 10 seconds that this will be a complete waste of time. View all replies >