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r1zz's Replies

And close to 30 years later, (so far) John Doe was correct. You serious? I was laughing during that scene because of how bad it was. It would be more likely for Floyd to survive if he didn't take fentanyl and then use fraudulent bills and then resist the police. Why keep his knee there? Maybe he didn't think it was causing any harm. I think a perfectly healthy person is likely to die if their heart stopped whether or not someone has a knee on their back. Yes it can vary person to person: Some people die with higher doses of fentanyl but also some people die with LOWER doses. No one says it "was a always fatal dose".... but it IS a dose that has been fatal. So a fentanyl OD can "result in stupor, changes in pupillary size, cold and clammy skin, cyanosis, coma, and respiratory failure leading to death". So if someone takes an amount of a drug that has killed people, and the symptoms of ODing on that drug are respiratory failure and death and that person that took that drug has respiratory failure and death, I would say there is at least a chance (probably a big chance) that that person died from that drug. How anyone, without a shadow of a doubt, can be sure he didn't die from the drugs in his system but instead say it was from police holding him down with a knee on his back even though he was saying he can't breathe before ever even going to the ground... is beyond me. If you're squatting like Chauvin was, you can very easily put all of your weight on your own back foot and have basically zero pressure under your knee. Now if the person under the knee has a lethal dose of fentanyl in their system, they're going to have some major problems... such as possibly dying. Little Monsters ? It's almost like hollywood use to cast movies as if the vast majority of their audience and actors were white and only 13% was black. So to summarize: robo: "provide proof, provide proof, provide proof" moviechatsuser: ok, here ya go AGAIN (provides proof again) robo: "you're stupid" Basically how every debate with a leftist goes. To you lying? Sure Wow. Big surprise. Next you'll tell us black people vote democrat. Of course young uninformed voters vote blue when movies, tv shows, music, sports, college professors etc. tell them to. Then they get older and get out of their group think and start to hear what the other side of the argument is and then.... vote red. The left doesn't want to censor the right just because it is an ATtaCk oN ouR DemOcraCy!!11!1 They want to censor it because if they don't, they lose voters. The video, and all the tons of videos like this, is showing how unsympathetic most people are. The problem is that 99% of the time someone is asking a stranger for a handout with some excuse, it's a scam. I would bet that's why all of these people wouldn't give them any money or gas. NOT because they're unsympathetic. So if someone <i>with</i> a gas can has this story.... it's STILL probably a scam, but maybe just slightly less. I mean, they could easily just take the gas, go fill up their car, rinse & repeat. Hope to just get money (like the last person did) but if they give them gas, almost just as good. So that justifies you lying. It's the leftist way! And if you can't figure out why that doesn't matter, just keep being gullible. Well I guess you and the person that made this video doesn't know that if anyone comes asking for gas money, you can almost guarantee it is a scam. And now most the people that watch this video, which is probably fake in the first place, will probably hand their money right over to a scammer. Just search "out of gas scammers" or . <blockquote>Texas Governor Says "Black Lives DON'T matter"</blockquote> Except for that he didn't say that? Your post proves today's leftist's arguments make no sense. Does that number include things such as a bb gun being shot and a report of shots being heard and reported even if it was never confirmed and does it include all children that were present at school during such incidents even if they never even knew anything happened? I sure bet it does. <blockquote>January 6 featured Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. A week ago, members of another white supremacist group, Patriot Front...</blockquote> So the proud boys, who's leader is a black cuban, is a "white supremacist group"? lol. Didn't need to read past the first two sentences to know the rest that followed would be bullshit as usual. Thanks for showing how liberalism is a mental disease