Poopsey1's Replies

Your talking baws, so much to this film you hae tae watch it a few times tae really get it, the homage tae the king of comedy, the film is brilliant. Why it's crap. A victim of Weinstien... 1/10 absolute crap. Nothing about this movie is good. Do you really need to write "lol"?????? Do you really need o write "lol"???? why do you do it? and they were fantastic at dancing, when I watched that seen I decided to learn to dance... Best scene of the movie by far. Amen brother why do you write "lol"??? Brilliant thank you Count, you're the baws. 100% correct. Unbelievable isn't it. A man walking about near-naked getting men to bow down before him whist wearing speedos. Hi Dementlegirl I want to tell you how saddened I am to read that you believe in Jesus Christ... I truly hope that you at some point in your life are able to leave this cult and start to think on your own. I myself was a Christian for many years until my eyes were opened by the sheer fact that what Christianity stands for is both evil and wrong. I expect that you have experienced as I did being Love-Bombed and being told that you are special. I hope that one day you will realize that this is actually true without having to be part of a so-called church, a church that serves nothing but to zap your consciousness and take your money. Thank you What can I say, but.............. I agree. A truly great man. There were lots of wear and tear and they fixed it, hence the believe that they were in an actualspace ship. Is that all you can think of sayin. Hot dang, big bazzokas.