
Nando (18)


Looking for a movie... On par with Law Abiding Citizen [SPOILERS] A half-masterpiece [spoilers] View all posts >


Thanks @ShogunofYonkers, nice to meet you too. See you around! Law-abiding citizen, a great movie but oh god that ending. My favorite genre is undoubtedly mystery and suspense films. I value independent and low-budget productions much more than big-budget productions. I especially enjoy films that put a group of people in front of something unknown and see how they react. I don't like gore, but I do like psychological horror. Two examples I can give are: - The Endless: A movie that never stops getting weirder, it's great (this movie expands on the lore of the movie Resolution). - The Prestige: One of the best movies in history. I also really enjoy sci-fi movies, and I always give extra points if they are unconventional, for example: - District 9: This one literally blew my mind. - Midnight Special: A fairly strange and entertaining movie. - The Vast of Night: A movie that must have cost 20 cents and I loved it. Finally, I have to mention dramas. I never sit down to watch them directly, but I end up watching them eventually, when I don't have anything else available. And yet some of the best movies I've seen are dramas. I can mention: - 99 Homes: A movie that I find terrifying, where a family loses their home and the lengths they will go to get it back. - No Country for Old Men: I've lost count of how many times I've seen it, it's simply perfect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69mmVL1ffwk Thanks :) Well, I found the movie on a lost list on IMDb. The movie is called...... <b>The Human Race</b>. How is it possible that no search has given me the correct result since the plot is literally spelled out in the title? I watched it and it's worse than I remembered. As a curious fact, I'm looking at the rating graphs of this and two similar movies: <b>The Circle</b> and <b>The Exam</b>. Both movies show a graph where there is a very high concentration of votes around their score while the remaining scores are very low https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3118452/ratings/?ref_=tt_ov_rt https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1258197/ratings/?ref_=tt_ov_rt In both cases the graphs are very similar and it seems most movies have this shape. But when I check at The Human Race it has received peaks all over the place lol https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1427298/ratings/?ref_=tt_ov_rt It seems it's unclassifiable XD at least I can finally rest easy knowing that I've seen it. 9/10 because he's Batman. He did well in The Founder too. Didn't see Birdman yet. Me neither, I can only watch movies at night. That's a great idea! Maybe someday... like never. That's a good try, but not the one I'm looking for. It's a way less known movie. I spent some time today combing through YouTube for a single scene to jog my memory, but came up empty-handed. View all replies >