Rocky15's Replies

It was pretty hilarious how there was no jeopardy whatsoever in the final battle, not once did the French have the upper hand or even put up much of a fight, the french prince was a complete imbecile and Mark String’s villain was completely inept, everything he did failed miserably and he just tucked tail and ran whenever he met resistance What did you think of Neil Morrisseys performance in the 1984 version? Apparently Gary Oldman was offered that part originally. His introduction scene was quite strange but I thought he grew into the role as the film went on, his best moments were when he actually wasn’t saying anything and was just acting with his eyes and body language whilst observing what was going on around him. I’ve noticed and I’m not sure why I think it’s brilliant and definitely one of Hopkins’ best performances Kevin Bacon Robert De Niro King Benny Terry Kinney Bruno Kirby The kid who played the young John Ron Eldard and Billy Crudup are electric for one scene then sidelined, Pitt is rather forgettable, Hoffman is underused and Patric seems to be almost phoning it in. Manhunter Year of the Dragon 52 Pick-Up Thief White Sands Dark Blue Dunno about an impression but they do both exude the same quiet and unnerving menace in their roles. It’s not a sequel. Connections are the protagonist was in Vietnam and can’t adjust to life back home and that’s about it. Because they were trying (and failing most of the time tbf) to keep their movements discreet, traipsing around with an army would have brought more attention than they wanted I just assumed the beating was because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, maybe the group who attacked him had been drinking and just thought they’d beat up a homeless looking guy whos walking towards them down a dark alley. When I first watched it I half expected the brothers of the woman who she threatened him with from the beginning to track him down and make an appearance. I thought he was an effective red herring, first time I saw it I thought there was something off about him and there was gonna be a switch where he became a villain, now I’m not sure if that was intentional or just because he’s played by Charles Dance Can’t say it’s really crossed my mind to be fair A man should be able to put his woman in her place if she steps out of line, this is why we have a generation of soft men who rather talk about feelings and their feminine side than get drunk, get some poontang and occasions have a fight. As for this guy I could care less, never seen any of the films he’s been in. As snakey and treacherous as the character of Geoff was in this film I can’t blame him for wanting to lick every inch of her I thought he looked weird and way too skinny, which worked for the creepy character he played. He looked much better in the earlier seasons of Lost when he was bulkier and more masculine Apart from the title they have next to nothing in common, Bill isn’t Tommys granddad in the book, in fact they don’t even know each other as far as I recall, it’s more of a commentary on the working classes, some of Tommy’s stream of consciousness narration is a lot deeper in the book which shows how he may be held back by the class he is born into and that’s where his anger and hatred come from Human Traffic as well I very much doubt it after his outburst in the restaurant but maybe they were won over by his brutal honesty Don’t mind admitting when I’m wrong. Not the first time and won’t be the last Honesty is the best policy