MovieChat Forums > Jourina

Jourina (69)


is naming issues in a derisive fasion cUASING MORE ISSUEs THan making it easier to talk aboutout nuke russia now WHAT DOES "EXcept politics"mean to you complete victory for putin why is UKRAINE draFTING, IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DIE FOR YOUR DEMOCRACY how bad would it have been if trump was president salami ukrAINE Who was the FBI Agent trying to fool? View all posts >


yep, I don't get what is so bad about this idea... other than people hating pixar to be hip. it's a moivie abo ut an over bearing mother who ruins the life of her child to the point everytime her daughter stresses out she turns into a panda i SHOOULD APOLOGISEEEE, MY INTERREST INM AINTAINING TOPIC DISCUSSSION WANES RAPIDLY AT TIMES. F FROM TGE PSSYCHOLOGY, WHITE FRgility is an intere3sting explaination as for why you would feel targeted by the cha nges going on in society. you aren't areal racist, but by making a big dEAL OF MICROAGRESSIONS, THE ISOLATION FROM the effects of microagggressions is creATING THEinability to tolerate the fear of being called A real racist WHILE YES, MAKING A BIG DEAL OF MICROAGGRESSION IS GREatly hurting race realTIONS, the issue heree is that the people who are mAKING THE BIG DeAL ARE THE VICTIMS, SO it requires emotional invalidation on your pwrt (similar to how I tried to emotionally invalidate how you felt when I poorly presented what white fragility was in a way that made it seem i was talking about you pacifically) it is no one's intent to make all things real racist, thr intent is to get people to think about micro agressions snd stop doing them, why? because that is what the victims are demaning. do they reslly have it that bad? ask them, one might as well ask if you really hsave it so bad being forced to tolerate the changes in society, e3motional invalidation goes both ways so, I cannot type very well... your problem is that your post is about a a well talked about topic but you do not want to research it. I JUST JUMPED INTO TALKING ABOUT THE TOPIC, ASSUMING IF YOU HAD ANY LEGITIMATE INTEREST YOU WOULD TRY OR WANT TO LEARN ABOUT IT.INSTEAD THIS IS BECOMING PERSONALIZED one thing I would point out is that responding to trolling is also a form of trolling. it does not create healThy DIALOGUE AND THE PERSON RESPONDING, IS ONLY FILLING THEIR OWN NEEDS FOR EASY SOCIALIZATION. REAL LIFE TROLLING IS COUNTER PROTESTING, i am talking about the term, that you want to defl33ect and fight rather than discuss is an issue. you only believe that the race discussions are taking us backwards, for some agenda, which is the point of the term to show people make these discussions about themselves rather than racism psychology isn't about personal feelings, it is about the underlying causes of actions, regardless of wheter you understand the reasons yourself hot water needs to be kept heated or it turns into room temperature water look it up, it is not my term, I agree that the term does the opposite of the intent, we have an unfortunate habit of making negative SOUNDING TERMS FOR PROBLEMS LIK"TOXIC MASCULINITY" THAT CAUSE MORE HOSTILITY i tried to explain, the need to protect yourself from the label of being racist while getting involved in these discussions. BECAUSE YOU FEEL VICTIMIZED FROM DISCUSSIONS OF RACISM this still asks why you feel the need to get involved in the discussions, because it does not help the victims, it only exposes how unsettling talking about racism is to youHYPOCRISY ONLY AFFECTS YOU IF YOU ARE AFAID OF BEING LABELED AS RACIST EVEN THOUGH THE INTENT ISNT TO LABEL ANYONE AS RACIST, IT IS TO G3ET RID OF RACISM. because as social creatures we desir3e others to interact with us, saying provocative things is an easy way to get interaction without the commitment of bulding up reputation or even a lengthy discussion DO NOTE THAT FOR SOME THE LONG GAME IS VERY HARD, FILLING THE NEED FOR INTERACTION MATTERS MORE THAN HOW IT IS FILLED what you are displaying right now is "white fragility" or the fear of being seeen as racist simply because you are white while talking about rwcism. it isn't that you areraccist, but that your deflections that racism exists and affects other people only serves yourself and detracts from the real issues he thinks Putin is smart for massacring civilians, he is an embarrassment to humanity View all replies >