MysterioMan007's Replies

Los Muertos was at least watchable. This was awful. That was not an error. Where's your proof that he was a vagrant? Because you don't like the way he dressed? Because he had long hair? Vagrancy is a stupid crime anyway and there's a reason no one enforces it. You can try to make it lawful all you want, but the sheriff just didn't like his lifestyle and abused his power to enforce a law from the dark ages. He probably ruined his own career and life in the process. I can only hope he became a vagrant himself and got treated the same way. Only when no one went and saw their movie.... She sounds like an uptight cunt. I laugh uproariously every time that scene happens. I thought I was the only one. It seems like Hollywood was trying really hard to make Jeremy Renner "happen". First, they tried to give him the Bourne franchise and then this one. But he just didn't have the star power they thought he did. I am not sure Cruise is easily replaceable, but Renner wouldn't have been the right guy to do that. Tell us, Mr. Law Expert. What law did he break by walking through his town? I have a degree in Criminal Justice and I can assure you that he did nothing wrong. The sheriff labelled him as a vagrant with no proof and tried to arrest him because Rambo didn't do as he said. That reeks of control issues and that man should not have been in the position he was in, elected or not. Jobless, homeless psycho? Based on what proof? No. It really wasn't. It was put in to trigger future people like you who believe that everything said that you don't agree with is "hateful" so you can try to gaslight the rest of the world to think like you. Truthfully, I don't think they marketed it too well. I grew up watching the '87 cartoon and loved it. It's not the best now, but I never knew this series existed until long after it was over. The TMNT craze had died down and I had moved onto other things. When I found out about this show, I had to download it on a torrent to even watch it. They didn't release proper DVDs, unless you count the confusing story arcs ones. So, when I watched this one, I immediately enjoyed it more than the '87 show and while I find the '87 show more in tune with my memories, I like rewatching this one better. I'm not sure how Han was so creepy in Fast and Furious 4 without even sharing a scene with Gisele... Everything Vin has done in his movies has been fake, too, but he usually has a stuntman for the hard parts. It's a show where Isla Fisher ends up with Josh Gad. That alone stretches credibility. I don't like this show at all. I'm on season 3 and determined to finish it, but I just don't find anyone interesting on this show at all outside of the bad guy, Tobias Whale. The lady they cast as Lynn is so unattractive and unlikeable, it's almost like they tried to sabotage the show. I like Cress Williams as an actor, but there's nothing about Jefferson Pierce that is interesting. The two daughters are ok, and so far, the new guy, Brandon, is pretty interesting, but I just find myself turning it on as background noise. I think she has a very pretty face, but I can't get past the little boy haircut. And I don't like my women all tattooed up, either, so she's not really my type. And I'm not hers apparently. I literally LOL'd at this comment because I know it's probably the truth. I don't mind LGBTQ in shows, but it's become overdone to the point where it's not even realistic anymore. Of course, this was a CW superhero show, so no one tuned in for the realism, but these whiners don't do anything but whine about how they're not represented, and then when they are, they don't even watch the show. Oh, wait. They're only like 2% of the population, so it's kind of stupid to cater to them instead of comic books and superhero fans anyway. I actually enjoyed this show. I've not gotten past season 1 yet, but I'm watching it on MAX right now. It's not the best in the Arrowverse (The Flash is my favorite), but it's fine for what it is... Tell us you're single without telling us you're single... I don't think anyone could have saved that character. He was a douche who thought he was funnier than he was.... It was those damn enchiladas.....