lovepiss's Replies

Alan Ritchson video call or uploaded to cloud? Pain don't hurt ^this It was a great film that was universally loved by critics and audiences. If the Hollywood elite don't start to acknowledge this at award ceremonies, their big pay days and caviar dinners could soon come to an end. The streaming factories can pump out endless shit with underpaid b listers and still make money, due to the built in subscriber audience that will eat up any over hyped movie/series that's been spoon fed to them on social media. I'll assume that's aimed at me? I was called obtuse over a single comment. If you don't want a dickish response, don't be a dick. Simple really. You started the insults sweetie. Bet you're a fucking wallflower in reality. Next time stop gatekeeping the comments section and take other points of view on board without throwing out insults. You're the one being a cunt, throwing words like obtuse around. I was reminding people that it's a satire and nothing should be taken literally. Typical keyboard warrior. Wow, so edgy. It's a black comedy. His character was clearly an exaggeration. Did you even see the original? Dutch’s muscles and firepower got him nowhere. It was his wits and using the terrain against the Predator that ensured his victory. Your local theatre must be piss poor if it’s affecting your ear drums. IMAX is about immersion. Maverick is proof of why the cinema experience is so important. I saw in IMAX opening night. Possibly one of the best cinema experiences of my life. I don't think it can be replicated at home. Where did you watch it? Wilhelm It was a perfect ending. The Byrdes were always the smartest people in the room. Ruth made her own bed. Aside from the final episode. Terry Silver was done a huge disservice. The Fly (1986), is easily one of my favourite movies. If they did a reboot, the only element I'd like to see them keep is the body horror. It would be a miracle if they got anywhere close to the chemistry the original three leads had. Plus doing a straight rehash of the original story would leave people comparing and picking it apart, rather than letting the film tell it's story. I also love the intimacy of the '86 version, keeping it between a handful of characters and locations, and fear a reboot would shoehorn in woke characters and comic relief, and take the story into polished cityscapes. The Fly 2 is a decent standalone monster flick. Whilst not as good as it's predecessor, it respects the story and characters and turns up the dial on horror effects. I'd go so far as to say it's a must watch for creature horror fans.