Superduper's Replies

Keep in mind Barr was appointed by trump and is beholden to him. be·hold·en /bəˈhōld(ə)n/ adjective owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service. "I don't like to be beholden to anybody" synonyms: indebted, obligated, under an obligation, obliged, bound, duty-bound, honor-bound I figured I help you with the Google search ;) There are other ways to protect your family. Like living Ina civilized country without extreme levels of gun violence. Pretty simple actually. Hmmm vague rhetoric. What I expected. Wasn't immigration a major contributor to American success?? The whole "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." Stuff Ya I don't live my life in Fear. That's just a sad way to live. Enjoy! Actually we supported and cheered ISIS on as the "rebels" because it served US foreign policy objectives. Same for guaido...... And there's nothing mature about trump. He is the biggest manchild in the history of politics By what metrics is Europe descending into shitholiness? 1 I won't find myself in a gunfight because I live in a civilized society. 2 I travel plenty. Something most airports have in common, you can't come through with a gun. So I'm not sure how that helps you travel Bringing up outlier scenarios doesn't change the fact that guns kill more kids in the US than Cancer. Have you even been to Europe? Do you have a passport or are you part of the 60%+ without one? Actually I'm the real manly man because I can rely on my fists and physical abilities to protect myself. I also use my intelligence to avoid situations likely to involve guns; IE not travelling to shit hole countries with extreme gun violence Guns do not keep people safe. A civil society keeps people safe. I no longer feel safe visiting the US. Why would I visit a country where some dimwit might shoot me with a stray bullet and then I lose everything because the healthcare system is so corrupt and broken? That's actually spelling, not grammar. Geez there really should be some sort of exam for gun ownership, we make people do tests/exams to drive and a car isn't specifically designed to kill :/ And your spelling is a travEsty. Ya we really need illiterates with easier access to automatic and semi automatic weapons! Why would anyone in a CIVILIZED society need a fully automatic or even semi automatic weapon?? Some people are stuck in the stone age Trump is an incessant liar. So much so that he even claimed to make Canadians "nice". Ya I'm pretty sure they were nice before trump This is rich. You voted for trump because politicians are liars. Trump is the biggest most frequent liar to ever hold political office. This is documented fact, but facts don't matter I guess This will also be bad for American reputation globally. Not that it's great right now anyways. But trump just signed a new trade deal with Mexico. What's the point of negotiating and making deals with a country that keeps changing it's mind? If he had won it in a respectable way more people would respect him. But he didn't. He won it by pandering to the lowest common denominator and being divisive. There's nothing to be respected in the trump presidency. Not to mention be didn't actually win the popular vote. Typical conservative rhetoric. Rail against social systems unless they benefit their corporate overlords. The US is a welfare state, just one for corporations and not the tax payers. Your "experience" means nothing to me. Vague and unfounded. I work for a small business and the owner is a moron who is running the business into the ground but it's still technically successful. Those at minimum wage actually need a raise to have a decent standard of living. The increase is actually spent in the domestic economy. Giving tax cuts to the rich hoping for the "trickle down" effect doesn't work. The rich just offshore their increased profits and use it to buy villas in exotic locals. Again what do you base your understanding of economics on? I myself have read countless books on the subject. More than someone with an undergraduate degree specializing in the subject How many economic books have you read? From the looks of it, not many if any at all. Faux and friends is not your friend