Razorcandies's Posts

Ok when exactly is this coming to HBO Max? Why did Wendy and Danny even need to be at the hotel with Jack? We need more people like Ezra Miller in giant blockbusters Ok who's the joker who painted the fake eyebrows on his picture? Is this movie secretly about Gender Abolition? Curious to see how close I am Am I Mandela Effecting here or did the original trailer have vampires? Actually pretty thankful the Pilot was rejected. I don't understand the scene with the HitMan and the Hooker getting a hotdog The meaning is simple. It's about Lynch's artistic process I think I get it (spoilers obviously) Honestly. What did you expect them to do? I don't like this movie I feel like I get it. But I get the feeling people lie about liking this. I don't think his wife existed. Or was killed How did Arthur afford his apartment? Question about one of the cut scenes Should I put on a little tap dance and shoe polish for you lovelys 😒 First movie I ever masturbated to Joker Vs Taxi Driver