onlyfactsmatter's Replies

[quote]To a liberal, Romney probably looks like a racist.[/quote]Exactly! You liberals call anyone to the right of Lenin a racist. It's why I just roll my eyes now. Romney was a racist, Palin was a racist, Bush was a racist, Reagan was a racist, etc. etc. I hear that a lot, I very much doubt someone as left as you was a Republican. But I will entertain you: everything you said about Trump, they said about Romney. Democrats called Romney a racist/sexist/xenophobe/murderer/etc. etc. Do you think Romney was a racist? After the election, the NY Times wrote an article saying Romney was "President of White America." It's typical of Communists to want to murder the opposition. I thought liberals were against the death penalty? Lol Trump can veto a bill with a simple majority. They'd need about 20 Republican Senators to join. If I were President, I would have: - Focused on an infrastructure bill - Build the wall and deport illegals - End all foreign wars Some harder things I'd try: - Obamacare repeal and replace - Balance the budget [url][/url] (this is actually a really good article)[quote]Clinton strategists' initial reaction to Trump’s blaze through the primaries at the time was giddy disbelief, but back in New York the anti-Trump plan and machinery was still barely begun.[/quote]Why were they so happy a Russian operative won the GOP's Presidential nomination? Actually not really, I think Trump is kind of a dunce lol. So, why did the Democrats collude with Russia to get elected? Gonna answer that one for me? [quote]Trump lived in a TOWER named after him on fifth Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. He is the WHITEST (with an orange tint) Nationalist by your infantile standards, you club-footed baboon.[/quote]Now his current residence is literally named White hahahahaha. [quote]And wasn't Trump a donor to the Clinton Foundation? Something like 100,000.00?[/quote]Speaking of the Clinton Foundation, how is it doing now? With all the free time the Clintons have now, I assume that the Foundation is breaking donation records and still getting huge donations from foreign countries, right? [quote]I'm sorry...I meant a legitimate news source. Not some website that literally has "leaks" (Hey...THAT'S why Trump loved them! He thought it was about the pee-pee!) in their name.[/quote]Obama to Trump October 2016: [url][/url] "At least I will go down as President." Also lol @ the Obama quote in the beginning, he keeps harping out how elections can't be rigged or hacked. Haha when Democrats thought they were going to win they kept saying the elections were fair and everything. It's hilarious! [quote]And you know why the Democrats would want to maximize Trumps chances? [/quote]Collusion with Russia. [quote] An aide representing Clinton said the call occurred, but it was a casual chat, and not about the 2016 election. [/quote]Of course it was about the election. Why else would Bill call Trump a month before he announced his candidacy? Why else do you think the Democrats were so giddy when Trump dominated the polls and won the nomination? They never expected to lose. - The Democrats want the media to promote Trump's campaign was a "pied piper" candidate - [b] How do we prevent Bush from bettering himself/how do we maximize Trump and others?[/b] [quote] Irrelevant whataboutism.[/quote]Nice dodge haha. The Democrats literally promoted Trump's campaign. Why did they do that? Why were the Democrats so confident they were going to win in November 2016? Why did Obama go on the Jimmy Kimmel show and tell Trump "At least I will go down as a President!"? [quote] Translation: ANYTHING to defend Trump, the white (and self-admitted) "Nationalist."[/quote]Hillary Clinton is the white nationalist because unlike Trump, she actually lives in a town that is 95% white (Chappaqua). Also, when Mitt Romney said Russia was our number 1 geopolitical foe in 2012, how did you respond? [quote] What happened to "There was NO collusion!"? He said it enough times. Are you going to say he's honest? Reliable? Trustworthy? Even after THAT?[/quote]In May 2015, Bill Clinton called Trump and encouraged him to run for President. In July 2015, Democrats said in an email they wanted to "maximize" Trump's chances. Why? Lol Hillary Clinton had a 98% chance to win right? Democrats have 100 contacts with illegal Mexicans. The difference is that that's actually real while Russian collusion is not. Bill Clinton contacted Trump and told Trump to run in May 2015. Did the Clintons also collude with Russia to get Trump elected? Lol Lol are you guys still going on about Russia? [quote]to coordinate information that could damage Hillary Clinton’s election prospects, [/quote]Translation: how dare Trump take her throne? Send illegals to the neighborhoods of rich white people. Tell Trump we'll take illegals, but we're sending them to Obama's/Soros'/Clinton's/etc. etc. 93% white neighborhoods. The fact is white liberals live near other whites. Newsom could live in any place in California he wanted to but chose a 91% white rich area. It's like when liberals say they want to leave the country, it's never to Mexico. Why don't liberals want to move to Mexico?