richmeng's Replies

I think my sister did that to them. I'll tell her to send you some $$$. But we aren't the ones that did it. Some people in the past did. Humans are a single race, and how we treat each other, from when Cain killed Abel, until now, is a problem of sin, and we deal with our judgement when we stand before God. But it makes no sense now for people who are "white" to have to say sorry even though we don't have a racist bone in our body...but we do have a sinful body. Does that make sense at all? If it was a movie, it would have been reviewed and rated differently. Also had to make it 10 minute episodes so it seemed like more. LOL. I never cared a) what the sexuality of my toys were even at age 12 and b) never cared to know what my teacher did in bed and craved after and felt was not fair, nor felt the need to be told/taught that. Never. not. once. Regardless if he is funny or not (yet he is funny, I'm a huge fan), he's the iconic voice behind it. Yet because he cares about Democracy and the Republic and rights of ALL people, and Disney does not, he was "canceled". It is Disney's loss. Thanking God for a man who does NOTHING about the murdering of babies? Do you understand that while maybe you don't care about children, Americans do. God does. Biden does not. Name one thing Biden has done to stop Abortions. One thing. You probably also give thanks to Joe's party who brought about slavery and wouldn't end it. Republicans ABOLISH slavery. We can ABOLISH abortion too. Black lives matter, yet Joe and his party disagree...democrats do NOTHING for us black people. Joe parties with the KKK. Do you understand any of that? Do black lives or babies lives matter to you? You post shows they don't. Are you as sick about abortions as I am? Millions of children are murdered due to abortion. if you really care about the children, are you doing something about abortions and the murderers that are formed from it? It is PEOPLE doing these massacres. It is not guns. Guns do not shoot themselves. Joe stole the election, thinks the government mandates the people, and doesn't stop the thugs, drug dealers, and other illegal Mexicans and immigrants coming through the border. This is good? Joe's party is against democracy, is for big government. We have guns to protect ourselves from such a government. Do you even know how America became a nation? A Republic? Exactly my thought. Nope. We're just in our 40s, and a bit fatter. GET OVER IT. This, over your head They get to live, but don't get a prize. Most horses who win a race still get to live... Obviously Ben was going to be killed because you weren't suppose to even see the game master. He snuck in when, like Zoey, was thought to have died or the puzzle reset itself and escaped. He didn't actually finish. Trump wasn't doing that to kids. And do you view porn? Have you ever? I bet you have. If anything, Mainland China belongs to Taiwan. It NEVER belonged to Communist China, just as Korea never belonged to Communist China. Mao himself was so weak and incompetent that he wasn't even able to have Taiwan. His "Leap Forwards" and "Cultural Revolutions" were complete failures, which is why China still remains a poor, devastated 3rd World country to this day. They have no ability to take Taiwan even if they tried.....and you can try, but you're not ready at all, never have been, never will. Ask any they belong to a Communist China that has rejected its roots, traditions and all morality? Nope. Taiwan remains the True China, having kept traditions, morals and roots. Yeah, but the final fight was awesome! Did you watch the "Pitch Meeting" for this movie on YouTube by ScreenRant? Ryan George covers all that in his pitch meeting to himself. Those things are held/done by black people, not white people. Try again. Another question is, what if, when Marty 1 arrived back in 1985 and went to the mall, somehow stopped Marty 2 from even going 88 mph? For example, the VW Bus could have crashed into Marty 1's car when it came around by the clock tower after he returned from the past and got out of the car, thus Marty 2 never goes back in time (chase never happens), or maybe Marty 2's good parents told him never to go above 80 miles per hour or something silly like that? So Marty 1 and Marty 2 would be both in 1985 after the original going back in time. This is Marty 2's life, so shouldn't he get to stay in Hill Valley in this 1985? Thus Marty 1's 1985 no longer exists, thus in a sense it wasn't Marty 1 that ceased to exist, but his entire life that he remembers! Even if he went off to Europe in this new 1985 and started a new life, he's been robbed of his old life, his parents, etc. by time travel, or, in a sense, Doc himself! How much hate did you have for Obama? Trump does more for blacks than any president, does more for America than most presidents, and IS YOUR president, not just the one of "fans". Do you support your country and the leader that was elected? I even did under Obama. Don't get infected with TDS.