abigolcwock's Posts

I don't understand the "your bus is leaving" line? do you think Sally was actually asking Harry out, and was too embarrassed to correct him? When you first watched this movie, did you think Robert Patrick was the good guy? has he ever played a good guy? Why are they speaking English? Shouldn't the bartender get annoyed that Marty is ripping pages out of his phonebook? thoughts on the bridge scene? The World's End or Shaun of the Dead? What movies or tv shows were ruined by an actors death? Rewatching season 2, it's not as good as I remembered Dr. Hills man, you had the ball in your hands, and you fucked it up man I cannot understand how someone can defend the prequels when this movie exists how the hell did they film the suicide scene? Do you think the uncle was even bad at all? A small plot hole I haven't seen others mention: Robert would probably recognize Saito this movie's stance on "he said she said"? Why is this a Fincher film? Is the commentary track any good? who won?