CarltonBanks's Replies

Actually, you do. Or you should. Even rich people with high priced lawyers have commented on immigration process being difficult to navigate. When people are running for their lives, it take a special kind of asshole to lock them up and call them scum for it. There’s a lot to be said for showing compassion to those that aren’t as well off as you are. Why is the assumption that these people are all problems anyway? Most of them come and do the jobs Americans don’t want to do. They aren’t taking anything from you, are they? You make the process easier. They do the job Americans don’t want and pay the taxes to contribute to society at large. If they’re assholes, kick them out. Making the process simpler, doesn’t mean making opening the flood gates for all and sundry. There’s lots of other things you can do rather than just tell everyone to fuck off and call them cunt. You’re not alone, but you’re in slim company. That hatred of Disney Star Wars has clouded the minds of may around these parts to see nothing but negatives and present hyperbolic statements of opinion as facts. I liked it too. Good to have a Star Wars story that didn’t enforce the fact of the entire galaxy, and was just a personal story. Think it might have been better received as a new character rather than young Han Solo. But still enjoyed it. And you’re the ones making and inacting the policies. “Let’s take their kids away, and put them in cages. That’ll show’um!”. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Send them all back if their illegal. Give them a fair hearing if their seeking asylum. Splitting them up, and keeping the kids presents further problems down the line. Of course trump has already caused more of a nightmare by saying that the kids won’t be separated anymore. Just one problem with that, you can’t keep the kids locked for more than two weeks. It comes down to this, you either care about your fellow man, or you don’t. You can be a cunt to people or you can offer them help. Considering US actions in other countries are the reason for so many refugees the world over you all need to shut the fuck up and do your bit. You wanted to destabilise other regions, well this is what it looks like. Suck it up. I wasn’t too young, I was paying attention and he didn’t get half the shit she and the other females in the movies are getting. Not even manakin skywalker got the shit Rey got. Seems we could be here all day talking shit, but at the end of it it’s one movie that failed. Three wins to one. Behind the scenes is a different monster. We don’t know that it’s her. It could be Disney pushing shit on her. We don’t know, we read tabloid pish and jump on it. And look at the idiot who responded to you. “If she was a man”. If she was a man no one would be saying fucking thing. Three fucking pish movies from toy boy Lucas, THREE. And he didn’t get half as much shit as KK did after one movie. It’s time to stop pretending this isn’t about boys girls. It’s pretty clear by the fact sex always comes into it these days that it is about sex. It’s pathetic, and it needs to stop. I’ll give you props for not going down that route, just ruined by the reply you got. Are you in the uk? Because you sure are talking like someone who’s never been here. That 84% number you’ve mentioned a couple of times, comes from 222 rape convictions from 2005 onwards. 84% of 222 rapes in 12 years. Also, the majority of them were Pakistani, and Pakistanis have been here for generations. It’s not recent immigrants driving up the rapes. You’re case and point is what exactly? That you can spout utter nonsense and act like it means something? At least the Muslim communities here speak out against the shit other Muslims do, unlike Christians that bury there heads while generations of children are abused and raped by the faithful. And as I said, you all still filled those collection plates. Your hypocrisy is disgusting. Afraid not. You are the one doing it. No point blaming the victim of your nightmare policies. It’s one under performing movie, vs three billion dollar movies. No one gets sacked on one misstep. Didn’t hear much about the white catholic priests that were raping countless children the world over for decades. And still didn’t stop the white Christians from filling those collection plates when they found out their churche was covering it up. Sorry, that analogy doesn’t work. if they drown, that’s part of the journey. If they reach italy they don’t get drowned. You are putting children into cages, not the journey. No, you’re idea that you are better than anyone else based on your belief in Santa is a place holder for destruction of civilisation. Christian zealotry has perpetrated some of the most egregious crimes on humanity the world has ever seen. What what Christian values is it that you speak of? Which Christian faith is the right one? Which testament? You wanna know what sums up Christianity perfectly? All the child rape. Decades of priests raping children and the church kept it quiet. But that’s fine, that’s what those who desire power do. But the followers did something much worse, they kept filling the collection plates. They kept giving to child rapists, and their enablers. Believe whatever you want, but don’t kid yourself you’re any better than anyone else. But you are punishing children because of their parents choices. Ragerdless of the reason to seek entry into the United States, the children are blameless yet punished the worse. Also, you’re creating another problem in what you’re going to do with these children. Everything. Yes, the ideal that everyone is equal is a terrible thing.