MovieChat Forums > asom > Replies

asom's Replies

I think that he means "not about Politics" is "not about the today's US politics ... "That sounds political to me, especially considering the upcoming US presidential election." Not really, both side of today's political sides could turn fascist. "You mean the additional control of wealth over public opinion and political systems. None other than the 1% own media and journalists, that pillar is made of wealth." Yeah, and in other systems the median is controlled by the government, regardless of orientation. The main idea is: controlled media (regardless of whom) is a bad idea. Plus: in today's America both political partie control chunks of media. That scene with the ruins of the 20th Century Studios logo ... LOL. It's hinted in the trailer that those events happened. huh? They do have some “light sabers” for sure. And mecha tanks. And soldiers that couldn’t shoot. I mean, it was hilarious to see the African and the Native American fighting the colonizers, side by side. The last 8 are the most flagrant for me ... Power, obviously ... I don't give a shit about trump. Let's see: trump and documents? biden and documents? trump and sexual whatever? biden and sexual whatever? trump and withholding money from Ukraine in an attempt to influence an investigation on biden's son? biden and withholding money from Ukraine in an attempt to influence an investigation on biden's son? (he even bragged about it ffs, in public) The silence and lies about biden's son laptop? If you are outraged by trump in all these cases and not about biden ... you are the problem. Most likely he is guilty of something. But this is a political show … Biden is guilty of a shit ton of things also …and you don’t care … She had moments when she had amazing but subtle range, I was like ... wow . Beside those moments ... too static. You don't show your Ace until the end ... So if someone doesn't like to eat shit ... the problem is with the one that doesn't like to eat shit, not with the food that is shit. Ok, keep eating shit. I don't care how others see her ... she is (was?) super hot. Yeah, a lot is missing from the books. He got the main ideas but not all the intricacies ... which is not so easy to transpose in a movie. This, and I can say the miniseries was better at following the book. Perfectly??? You're kidding, right? To me they did fail, big time. Fallout 3 was quite good?? Fuck of!! In the original Fallout you encounter the Supper mutties later in the game.