xStacey's Replies

Totally agree with you. I remember thinking as a kid that he seemed unappealing but I just re-watched it and his character also kind of sucks? The way he tells Alexia "I thought I liked your sister but actually we're more compatible!" and grabs her hand, when she's up to this point expressed no interest in him and actually has a boyfriend already... it feels weirdly entitled of him??? I get that they're trying to show that he likes her for who she is and not what she looks like, but the writing could have been a lot better, and the characters could have at least had an actual scene together before something like that happens. Thanks for sharing that article, it helped me understand the film a lot better. Well, that's your opinion and of course you're entitled to it. Personally, I didn't think the relationship was poorly defined or nonsensical. It felt to me like how relationships unfold in real life very often. "Dissolving ego boundaries to become closer" Wow, that's a really great way to put it. I think the concept is fascinating and so much more than the same old romantic cliches. That's part of what resonates with me about this film. On the surface it's nothing new- two people falling in love in the summertime, but the relationship is somehow so much more deeply intimate than what you normally see in a film. That makes sense.. Thank you!