"Call me by your name"

Sorry if this is supposed to be really obvious, but what is meant by them using each others names in this way?

I read in an interview with the director that it's an expression of empathy for each other.
I think I just find it confusing because it seems somehow jarring in this romantic/sexual context.

How did you interpret those lines and the characters repeated use of their own names to each other?


Well, the way they did the romantic conflict between the two was just poorly done in general (in my opinion). Certainly, the concept must mean something as it is the title of the novel, but in the movie, it just comes off as nonsensical. It comes off like they wanna be sweet to each other and using any old cheesy shit they can think of, like calling each other by the other's name. And maybe THAT is the point? [spoiler]Like it being such a poorly defined relationship that doesn't make any sense and it's just a summer fling and not actually anything substantial.[/spoiler]

Idk just a thought but i don't really know.


Well, that's your opinion and of course you're entitled to it.
Personally, I didn't think the relationship was poorly defined or nonsensical. It felt to me like how relationships unfold in real life very often.


It's a form of intimacy, representing their sensual entwinement; their reversibility, their reciprocity. They are literally absorbing each other into their identities, dissolving ego boundaries to become closer.


"Dissolving ego boundaries to become closer"
Wow, that's a really great way to put it.
I think the concept is fascinating and so much more than the same old romantic cliches.
That's part of what resonates with me about this film. On the surface it's nothing new- two people falling in love in the summertime, but the relationship is somehow so much more deeply intimate than what you normally see in a film.
