RazoulGoozleSmog's Replies

It was the boomers parents that were afraid of commies. Boomers were liberal in college and grew conservative in the 80s. What dark money that funded him? I think he's having an internal struggle and is at crossroads. He loves Mabel and wants her to be herself but when she is she'll take it too far sometimes and he's right back where he was, blowing up. In the end he chooses to continue putting himself in this situation out of his sheer love for her. "What the hell happened to days on the internet, when people were actually satisfied with a new sequel and only give "valid" reasons why the movie/sequel sucked? Jesus friggin Christ, enough already!! I'm actually kinda glad they got rid of the IMDb message boards! What a fucking shitshow these message boards are; nothing but people whining and pulling the "Hollywood sucks" card." Those days never existed. Honestly in my experience smarter people are harder to please, because they're more attuned to what's going on around them. "Not every damn film was a masterpiece like Back To The Future or The Shawshank Redemption. So stop thinking that every movie that came out after The Dark Knight, sucks!" Your knowledge of film sounds pretty weak if those are the go to classics for you. Most films after 1995 are lacking passion and quality too. The Dark Knight sucks. I was to lucky to find myself in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. you are full of rocks, i don't think you have a liking towards history either Came on here to see if anyone went to the screening. The print was absolutely pristine, I could tell they used the same remaster from the Blu-ray which also looked pristine, this seemed like a 4k scan or something. The soundtrack also had so much power to it, it was great. Overall it made the movie 10x more enjoyable to see it on the big screen, and I still loved watching it on home video, but the theater experience was something different. Made me wish I could watch more movies in this format. I'm still pissed that I missed the screening of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre back in January! I mean yeah it had cheesy over-the-top characters, but what action movie doesn't? I don't feel like using the word aged to describe a movie's downfall is a reasonable way to criticize. I think movie succeeds compared to other action films because of its atmosphere and its willingness to take its time. For example the fifteen minute countdown at the end of the movie is an actual 15 minutes in the movie. This is coming from a guy who doesn't like this movie as much as the first movie. Hired! The Musical is pretty amazing you gotta admit. Just stick to RiffTrax Beast of the Yucca Flats "This movie stops at nothing, and stays there." I could see that! Reminds me of the main theme of Re-Animator, which is extremely Psycho inspired, still a great theme. I love Halloween, but I don't get same gooey warm feeling from the score as Friday the 13th does, not something I listen to by itself ever. But cannot deny Halloween's overall creepiness in its music. I was just about to make a topic about this after watching it. This is probably the most well shot slasher film that came out of the whole craze after Halloween. The closeups are well defined in this movie, not too close and not too faraway. The camerawork and the acting really make this movie stand apart from the other slashers, and it was made on the same type of budget! A lot of people would complain about the acting in it, but they haven't seen real ham that's for sure! I always loved the camp setting in this film and the campsite that it was shot at was rightfully chosen, and the cinematography captures the whole mood of the location very well. The pans are smooth and steady, and even the handheld shots don't look half bad either! Sounds like a good way to die of alcohol poisoning! 1. This film is considered a classic in America. 2. Fury Road was just about as popular as your average Marvel movie. 3. Fury Road sucks Ok I don't even know what you're trying to get at anymore. They were brainwashed, it's all apart of the crazy world the movie set up. Another part about the castration thing is that most of the men in the beginning of the film with testicular cancer had also been castrated, it made them feel like lesser men. Take away a man's balls, and all is left is stick to pee out of. ;} I agree with this, the characters are poorly constructed. It reminded me of Meek's Cutoff, another poorly constructed boring western. Why does realism always equal boring to most of these filmmakers? and this coming from a guy who actually likes "Dead Man" But I am also familiar with many other westerns, that are better. The ending was the only highlight to this film, and it would of packed more punch if the rising action was better. That was a gamble on their part, I don't think it necessarily makes them communists or socialist, they just weren't thinking far enough into the future.