TinyKittenKisses's Replies

The nurse believed in God and she still died, so i don't think that's the message No, the dog was barking at the kids' noise, and the kids were hanging the picture back, nothing evil besides the kids Haha i saw him too in the cult! Epic old man from youtube! Oh yeah i have also watched disturbing movies while playing games or chatting with friends on my phone. then i have to rewind and rewatch a scene 5 times cause each time i get distracted by the phone again. i must be super strong-willed folk then... nothing to do with not paying atttention He probably signed up without knowing what Ryan Johnson was gonna do, and no way to back down once he signed. He has always shown how much he disliked the second one No, he does not has to lick the boots of those crappy new movies I see, Well that's a new concept, in my days Cloverfield was about a monster. im really confused with everyone now saying it's kinda like a Twlight Zone, but ok, i guess it's done. :( i wanted to know more stuff about the first monster, but now doesn't seems likely