scarlettide's Replies

Women have better health and is happier single for reason. Yup men only value beauty and youth anyway. Women should use her youth for career. Dudes have no loyalty and is so lazy. Its never worth it for women to be married. I've never known women who soul didn't get sucked out from men. Men lust not love. They dump women when sick. Men have no loyalty and don't love. All they do is use or lust and sometimes both. Soul sucking demons. The movie sucked. Happy Belated Birthday to timeless actress/beauty She is one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the earth. Ava had such captivating divine stunning earthly natural sex appeal/beauty. [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] I agree she is beautiful and dreamy. Yes she did great job on the movie. You prove in your post men only lust not love when you type "I mean, the new & improved bodies, ok,". If men could love they would not want "new" and "improved" body. They would love women as they are naturally. Men have been threatening that women are going to get replaced by robots. Its not sexiest to tell the truth. Stripped is timeless. I'm not surprised cd influenced so many people. Its such great cd with mix of social issues, empowerment songs, ex relationships, real world issues and sex. She is such amazing artist. He started out as one of the most handsome men to ever be in Hollywood. He got women from his looks and charisma. When he got fat then id say money and being Marlon Brando. He is bisexual. Yes.. Its great move with so many stars. I actually didn't know when I first watched it. yes Robert Redford and Paul Newman was great pair. I also liked him with Patricia Neal like here: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] He has so many great movies. These are great choices as well. A Streetcar Named Desire The Godfather On the Waterfront Bedtime Story Amy is beautiful and talented to me. I love her classic beauty. She is gorgeous to me. Angelina is gorgeous. She has very unique beauty that stands apart from other women. Yes its so amazing. I agree. Her going up the stairs was victory. She will live happy and healthy life. Yes please ! Mine as well. Love it. I would think "straight and virile men" who "despise rape and wouldn't take part" would comment about how its disgusting that man thought gang rape was sexy. Yet my comment is one you were insulted by. I know why you self professed "good men" need it explained to you. What shit do happy women always say?