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Jamfo's Replies

Catholics on Friday’s during Lent. Matter/antimatter reactors for limitless, clean energy. If I were to try and make sense out of what is meant to be silly and fun, I would surmise that the jet was only in very low power mode as it was only on the taxi way, and not full thrust for take off. When Mythbusters did their test, they cranked those engines up full throttle, which, as anyone who’s been on a plane will tell you, is much more powerful than a jet at idle, or under really low power to slowly taxi over to the runway. I just assumed that the thrust exhaust under this really low power mode wasn’t so strong and the cart was able to push through. Real or not, it was a great visual gag in a really funny flick! The “faux pas” isn’t Chekov recognizing Khan... it’s Khan recognizing Chekov. “You... I don’t know you. But YOU. I never forget a face. Mr. Chekov, isn’t it?” If Chekov was not on the Enterprise, there’s no way Khan would have recognized Chekov at all. Of course, fans have come up with perfectly reasonable explanations since, but this is the continuity error most folks point out. 1. IT (2017) 2. The Belles Of St. Trinians (1954) 3. Good Boys (2019) Predator vs. Freddy Kruger Can he defeat the prey that attacks from within his dreams? And, they both have razor claws! 1. The House Of The Seven Hawks (1959) 2) Star Trek: Generations (1994) 3. Captain Blood (1935) 4) The Perfect Storm (2000) 5. Mutiny on the Bounty (1935, 1962, 1984) 6. The Caine Mutiny (1954) 1. Mr. Hand - Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) 2. Jaime Escalante - Stand and Deliver (1988) 3. Sir - To Sir, With Love 4. John Keating - Dead Poets Society 5. Kingsfield - The Paper Chase (1973) 6. Shale - The Substitute 7. Erin Gruwell - Freedom Writers (2007) 8. Glen Holland - Mr. Holland's Opus (1995) 9. Suzanne Stone - To Die For 10. Miss Riley - October Sky (1999) 11. Crazy Joe Clark - Lean on Me 12. Dewey Finn - School of Rock (2003) So he’s the reason this thread went tits up? 1. Looper (2012) 2. Project Almanac (2015) 3. Timecop (1994) 4. Back to the Future (1985) 1) Dallas, season 3 finale - "Who shot JR?" 2) Forever (2014) - Finale 3) Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Best of Both Worlds” (Season 3 Finale) 1. Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold (1986) 2. North to Alaska (1960) 3. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - "All Gold canyon" segment (2018) 4. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 5. The Gold Rush (1925) 6. Goldfinger (1964) 7. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) ***OK... how weird that we both put that in at the same time using related homonyms!*** 1. Up in the HEIR (2009) 2. Cent of a Woman (1992) - about the world's least expensive prostitute 3. The Dark Night (2008) - a winter at the North Pole 4. Mike and Dave Knead Wedding Dates (2016) 5. Heaven's Gait (1980) - happy prancing up there 6. The Bad Cede (1956) - about a president who just won’t quit 7. Rain of Fire (2002) 8. Days of Whine and Roses (1962) - Hubby always brings flowers, Wifey always complains 9. Drowning Moaner (2000) 10. High Planes Drifter (1973) - Luke Wingwalker meets The Stranger at 35,000 feet who turns out to be his Dad 11. Plains, Trains, and Automobiles (1987) - A documentary about traveling through the great U.S. flatlands. Congrats, Bellington! You get to start the next topic!! 1. Rhoda (1974-1978) **parent series=The Mary Tyler Moore Show** 2. Maude (1972-1978) **parent series=All In The Family** 3. Laverne & Shirley (1976 – 1983) - Parent series - Happy Days 4. Angel (1999-2004) - Parent series - Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5. Barnaby Jones (1973 – 1980) - Parent series - Cannon 6. Daria (1997-2001) - Parent series - Beavis and Butthead 7. Torchwood (2006-2011) - parent series: Dr. Who 8. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999 - Present) - Parent series - Law & Order 9. NCIS (2003-present) **parent series=JAG** 10. Sarah Jane Adventures (2007-2011/2020?) - parent series: Dr. Who 11. Trapper John M.D. (1979-1986) - Parent Series: M*A*S*H 1. Burning Love - Elvis 2. Burning Down the House - Talking Heads 3. Burn - The Cure 4. Burning - Zachary Richard - 5. Baby I’m Burning - Dolly Parton 6. Beds are Burning - Midnight Oil For months now... MONTHS... we've been hearing Trump and his supporters denying the seriousness of COVID: it's a Liberal plot to take him down, it's no more serious than the flu, wearing masks is stupid, etc. And yet, now that he has it and people want to poke a little fun at the karma of the situation, NOW it's suddenly a deadly virus and the humor is classless and mean. That is hypocrisy in its highest form. If was announced that Trump was going to be out of action for a few days because he picked up totally non-threatening stomach bug and people wanted to make jokes about his diet or how they felt sorry for the stomach bug, no one would bat an eye. But now that HE is the one with COVID, now all of a sudden it's a serious, nasty, life-threatening illness and making jokes about the karma of the whole situation is totally off the table. I'm sorry... it doesn't work that way. If you've been preaching for months that this is something that we shouldn't be that concerned about, that we should be sending everyone back to work and school because it's just not that bad, then you open yourself up for humor at your expense when those claims bite you in the backside. As long as that humor doesn't advocate for death or life-long complications, which none of the jokes on SNL did, then its all fair game. Of course, if Trump himself wants to make fun of someone getting a serious illness (as he did when Hillary Clinton got pneumonia back in 2016) or having a life-long disability like cerebral palsy, that's all well and good, right? It’s also pre-supposes that Raimi was somehow able to predict the future. The Evil Dead was a small, low budget film that became a cult classic, but hardly blew up the box office. When Raimi got the go-ahead to make a sequel, he had no way of knowing it was going to become even more of a cult classic and would lead to a third film in the series. So he simply called the film “Evil Dead 2.” After that became successful enough that he got a third film, Raimi decided that he just didn’t want to call it “Evil Dead III”, so he gave it a different name. I guess if Raimi ever thought his little low-budget film would become the cult classic it is, he might have had the idea to give the second film a different name at the time, but that would have had Raimi needing the ability to predict the future! The only reason I would disagree with that (and this is all fiction, so whatever “head canon” you want to come up with is perfectly valid) is you have to consider the state of international politics at the time the events occurred. Relations between the US and USSR were EXTREMELY chilly at this point, with the specter of war a very real possibility. The arrest and conviction of a Russian military officer (remember, Drago was shown to be a member of their military) in the US under the banner of international, friendly competition would NOT have been well received by the Kremlin and could have had dire repercussions in American and Soviet relations. One could imagine the Russian government bristling at such a legal thin line: the death was tragic, but it DID occur in the heat of battle. Trying to make the distinction that it was manslaughter just because Drago was out of control and didn’t listen to the ref would have been seen by the Russians as US legal trickery and a way to embarrass the Russians and to take one of their “superior human athletes” out of circulation because he was a threat to American athletics. I think the way it was depicted in the film would have been accurate at the time. The US was not going to start an international incident because of a tragic death in a somewhat brutal sport... instead, they would have insisted that Drago immediately leave the US and would ban him from any further competitions in the US. We also would have applied pressure to make sure Drago was banned from competitions in allied nations. Again... this is my own opinion of what would have happened if such an event had occurred in actuality, given the state of the world and relations between the US and USSR at the time. It’s even part of the underlying theme of this movie in the first place, and the reason for Rocky’s “if I can change, anyone can change” speech at the end of the film.