Lady_Leopard17's Posts

What a delightful turn of events! Yet another MCU turd! Nice touch at the end. Just saw it, absolutely amazing! Wow another Star Wars cash grab Best Movies of 2021? The Suicide Squad has made it into my top 10 list of best comic book movies of all time! An absolute shit fest! This Movie actually crashed HBOmax! At long last! It's a shame that most Star Wars movies suffer from shitty storylines and a toxic fanbase. They got their work cut out for them This movie was an absolute, delightful treat! Joaquin Phoenix made a smart decision. Marvel's success may eventually led to it's down fall. Yet Another Phenomenal Hit For DC! Post here if you found Captain Marvel to be a dull, predictable, generic 90's based super hero movie. This Movie Will Suffer Greatly Thanks To The #Me Too Movement Don't let the critics or billbrown ruin Aquman for you.